Worship Matters

When and how you worship identifies which God you serve.

Video with slides from Rumble below.

Audio only from Spotify below.

When and how you worship identifies which God you serve.

When we think of the first three commandments we almost always think about false gods being idols. But what if worshiping false gods didn’t just involve what your worship but when? Unfortunately, most of Christianity worships a false god and breaks the first three commandments without even knowing it. But please bear with me because if you really want to be a part of the family of the true God Yahweh, when you worship is the actual sign. It’s about behavior as well as idols.

I spend a lot of time pitching the positive side of keeping Torah. You know, the benefits of following the entire bible and how the whole faith, from Genesis to Revelation, makes sense. This is in the vein of the Shema, which Yeshua said is the greatest commandment -to love YHVH your Elohim, the LORD your God, with all your heart, you soul, and your might. If you love YHVH, you will do what He says. And when you do what He says, the bible and our ultimate destiny become much easier to understand. But there’s a flip side to this walk:

Slide 2 Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. (1Pe 2:17)

Slide 2 The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil. (Ecc 12:13-14)

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. The list goes on and on. And it’s hard to bring this side of the faith up because we are all sinners. But we must be moving in a positive direction, towards Yahweh, and sometimes the consequences of our actions need to be addressed to bring about the necessary change. Yeshua said the greatest commandment is to love Yahweh with all your heart and second is to love your neighbor as yourself. Loving Yahweh with all our hearts is displayed by simply doing what he said to do and not doing what He said not to do. Obedience and emulation are the best forms of worship. The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbors as ourselves. If you saw your neighbor doing something that could hurt them, you are obliged to warn them if you love them.

So why is it so important for us to worship on the right day of the week?

Slide 3 YHVH spoke to Moses, saying, “But as for you, speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘You shall surely observe My sabbaths; for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am YHVH who sanctifies you. ‘Therefore you are to observe the sabbath, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. ‘For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of complete rest, holy to YHVH; whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall surely be put to death. ‘So the sons of Israel shall observe the sabbath, to celebrate the sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant.’ It is a sign between Me and the sons of Israel forever; for in six days YHVH made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day He ceased from labor, and was refreshed.” When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God. (Exo 31:12-18)

One of the biggest signs of God’s people, if not the biggest, is when and how we worship. One objection to this is that we’re not the sons of Israel so it doesn’t apply. Au contraire, my friends. Those who accept Yeshua as the Messiah and are baptized become adopted children of Abraham and heirs according to the promise. The NC was made with Israel and Judah. The path to salvation is inextricably tied to being part of the family of God. If you worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He has told us how to do this. And the 7th day Sabbath is a chief way of doing this.

Also in the passage above it says “sabbaths” in the plural. Leviticus 23 defines all of Yahweh’s sabbaths. The weekly being at the top and then we have annual observances, most of which are also sabbaths. I’ve spoken in detail in the past how these observances identify Yahweh’s people. The few times that Israel did what they were supposed to do by following Torah, one could imagine watching the nation from a helicopter view. Every Friday and sunset all motion would stop. All the kids would be in their houses, the streets empty and everything peaceful. On Saturday, you’d see people congregating to have their fellowships on Shabbat. In the days of synagogues, you would see people literally going to church on Shabbat. Then they’d go home and at sunset, you’d see some activity, but for the rest of the week you’d see normal hustle and bustle. Commerce, ranching, farming, and the like. Then on the annual sabbaths, you’d see the entire nation just come to a stop just like on the weekly sabbath. How is this a sign? Because it’s a culture. All the surrounding nations would know how to identify the Israelites by what days they observed. This is the true faith, not one of crosses or statues, but one of routine observances. Our behavior defines which God we serve.

Having a sign and a means to identify oneself as a believer is important. The flip side of having a sign is that it gives the adversary an avenue for attack.

Slide 4 ‘As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings. ‘He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. (Dan 7:24-25)

Satan wants to be worshiped. That also means he doesn’t want us worshiping Yahweh. In fact, Satan wants to actually be the ruler of the universe. So his playbook is to change the Torah, hence the change in times and law. The Torah establishes time in the book of Genesis. An evening and a morning is a day. The seventh day of creation, which is the seventh day each week, is the Sabbath. It’s the day Yahweh rested from His works and then we follow His example by doing the same. Remember, the fourth commandment even references the creation.

The cold reality of the situation is that the switch from Sabbath to Sunday isn’t just some switch in when to meet up for church, it’s a switch in gods. Friday sunset to Saturday sunset is the mark of Yahweh. So what god is served by keeping Sunday? You’ve go it, a sun god.

Pagan religions from antiquity worship the sun, s-u-n, the helium plasma ball at the center of our solar system. People, either ignorant of Yahweh or being influenced by Satan, realized that life and light go hand in hand. The sun brings warmth and plants grow when we have sunlight and warmth. When the sun went away, which we now know it stays still and earth’s tilted orbit makes it seem like it is moving when it’s us, it got cold and things died. When it “came back”, it got warm and things came back to life. So people decided that sun, s-u-n, was a god, the giver of life. Then they added in the planets and all sorts of other things to worship, which is idolatry. Over time, these other things got days and observances because it’s hard wired into mankind to want to have religious observances. Deis solis is the day of the sun and is Sunday on our calendars. The false gods had observance times because they are copies of the true God’s worship system.

When Christianity went forth from Zion, it started in the synagogues with Jews who accepted Yeshua as the Messiah. This continued for a long time. When gentiles began to convert, they joined with the Jews at synagogue. They gave up their pagan practices and adopted the worship of the True God, Yahweh, through His Son, Yeshua. This is why the council of Jerusalem, recorded in Acts 15, includes “for Moses is read in the synagogues every Sabbath”. The converts had already stopped worshiping on the false days, were attending synagogue on Shabbat, and were expected to keep doing that to hear Moses, i.e., the Torah, every week and learn the ways of Yahweh. So understand, that first century faith was one of people accepting Yeshua as Messiah, Jesus as the Christ, and then breaking with their pagan ways. They stopped worshiping false gods and switched to the true and did it by changing when and how they worshiped.

Unfortunately, Christianity grew apart from the synagogue and keeping the Torah as it moved west. Over time it became acceptable to blend the pagan practices into Christianity. This culminated in councils of bishops who had come to loathe Jews and the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christianity grew into somewhat of a new religion, being an amalgamation of NT scripture, some OT scripture, legends, myths, and the observances of pagan religions. Sunday, Christmas, and Easter are all pagan celebrations that were brought into Christianity and ultimately subverted it. We have evidence of this in the councils of Nicea and Laodicea, where at the council of Laodicea they were forbidding keeping the Sabbath and mandating people read the Gospels on that same day. This is because, in AD 364, Christians were still reading Torah on Shabbat as the disciples expected them to do in Acts 15. Council of Laodicea – 364 AD – The Sabbath Sentinel

It’s remarkable to not that the same sin which got Israel smote repeatedly, mixing in false god worship with the true (syncretism), has become the foundation for Christianity. Most of the world’s Christians think that Sunday is the Sabbath and that we’re supposed to observe Christmas and Easter. All three of these things actually give homage to false gods and we really need to not do them. If you want the brutal truth about Christmas, please check out my post Are You Worshiping False Gods? – First Century Christianity where you can hear perhaps the most famous minister of our time admit live on TV that Christmas and all its observances are 100% pagan.

Brothers and sisters, if you’re hearing this info for the first time, it’s time to make a change. The change is hard. Yeshua said plainly that He didn’t come to bring peace but a sword. It was not a literal sword, but a sharp division between doing what is right and following Him and His Father versus going the other way. When I learned this information, I spent a ton of time trying to disprove it. But I had to come to the reality that Friday sunset to Saturday set is the Sabbath, the real 4th commandment. And keeping any other day like that is honoring a false god while cheating on the True God. How and when we worship matters.

Are You Worshiping False Gods?

If you found out you were accidentally worshiping false gods, would you make a change?

Video with slides below from Rumble.

Audio only below via Spotify.

Pat Robertson admitting Christmas is pagan on live TV below.

If you found out you were accidentally worshiping false gods, would you make a change?

Christianity universally accepts the Ten Commandments as foundational. These were the ten words spoken by Elohim (Yahweh) directly to the people at Mount Sinai, they were written in stone, placed in the ark, and are the bedrock of a civilized and faithful society that fears the true God. The first four commandments show us how Yahweh wants to be worshiped and specifically does not want to be worshiped. Let’s take a look at the first three:

  1. “You shall have no other elohim before Me. “
  2. “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, YHVH your Elohim, am a jealous Elohim, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.”
  3. “You shall not take the name of YHVH your Elohim in vain, for YHVH will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.” (Exo 20:3-7)

For those who may be hearing me for the first time, I use the Hebrew Names for God (Yahweh) and Jesus (Yeshua) while also using the Hebrew word for God, which is Elohim. It’s more precise and I find it to be more respectful but I also use the traditional words so people don’t get lost in translation.

So what action could we possibly be doing that breaks these commandments? Have you ever thought about it? While we cherish the 10 commandments, we normally only focus on the last 5 of them. But these are the top 3, and Yahweh led off with the most important commandments, if they could be ranked. He even includes that He’s a jealous God, meaning that He’s not inclined for us to share our devotion with another.

To be blunt, the celebration of Christmas breaks all three of these commandments. I know that sounds almost blasphemous to many Christians, but it’s the reality. Christians have been coming to this truth for decades and we used to have to direct everyone to the Encyclopedia or a couple books like The Two Babylons or Too Long in the Sun to show that Christmas is actually a pagan holiday. But a couple years ago Pat Robertson, the famous Southern Baptist Minister, actually let the cat out of the bag in a TV interview and affirmed the truth, that Christmas is a pagan holiday. If you go to firstcenturychristianty.net, the website for this ministry and where this podcast is posted, his video will be embedded below this one so you can watch it for yourself. And let there no longer be any doubt, this holiday has nothing to do with the actual birth of the Son of God or of the true worship of Yahweh.

So I’m going to work from the bottom up on how Christmas breaks the commandments. You see, when somebody tells us “Christmas is pagan” and then we look it up and discover it’s true, we have to make a change. Classically trained theologians and ministers, like Pat Robertson, know that December 25 and it’s observances are pagan but they don’t tell their congregations. That, brothers and sisters, is taking God’s Name in vain. Taking His Name in vain means to misrepresent Him. Teaching that this religious observance is somehow scriptural or sanctioned by Yahweh is lying about scripture, which breaks the third commandment cleanly. Watch that Pat Robertson video and realize how cavalierly he is breaking the third commandment. Shamelessly. And all those ministers out there who know the truth are doing the same thing.

The second commandment is broken through idolatry. I’m sorry, but dragging evergreen trees into our houses, setting them up in a place of prominence, and placing gifts under them as if they are the providers, is idolatry. The evergreen tree was used in pagan religions as a symbol of life during winter, when everything else dies off. Jeremiah 10 actually mocks this practice, even to the detail of decorating the wood with silver and gold, which is what tinsel does. Jeremiah 10 is referencing idolatry more like statues, but the description is so similar to what is done with a Christmas tree that it’s uncanny. The idolatry goes even further with all the ornaments, elves, and a false god called Santa who’s made out to be all knowing and the judge of all the living. I could go on, but you all get the drift.

The first commandment is broken by the entire practice of mixing pagan worship practices with Christianity. This is THE sin Israel kept getting smote for over and over. It’s completely prohibited to have any false god stuff in the sight of the true God, Yahweh. Making up our own holidays in the name of God would be bad enough, but Christmas is almost completely adopted from pagan sun-worshiping religions of antiquity. The twelve days of Christmas come directly from Roman polytheism, the yule log is pagan, the timing is pagan as it is celebrated when the sun looks to be far off and returning for another year to give life. And the date of December 25 has nothing to do with the God of the Bible at all.

Yeshua, our Messiah, told us to do something very specific to remember Him. And we know exactly when that is. The night before Passover every year, we are to get together to remember His sacrifice by washing each other’s feet and having bread and wine. He literally said to do that in memory of Him. His birth is pretty hard to deduce from the scriptures. One has to look at when John the Baptist was conceived and then born and then add six months. We generally come up to Yeshua being born in the fall. If we were to observe His birth, it would have been recorded specifically and the date would have been on the Hebrew calendar, not the Roman calendar.  But it’s not.

So, brothers and sisters, I encourage you to listen to Pat Robertson tell us the truth about Christmas and then share in my shock when he and the hostess of the show say it’s OK. It’s not OK. It’s contrary to the commandments and the very sin that Israel was guilty of many, many times. And this year, take it to heart. Be convicted and stop this practice today.