Explaining the basic series of crossroads we encounter in the faith on the road to the real truth of first century Christianity.
Category: Teachings
Audio and video messages
Historical Proof of the Messiah
Historical Proof of the Messiah: The principal historical source outside the bible showing the Jesus the Christ, aka Yeshua the Messiah, existed and was resurrected.
Yahweh has a Plan!
Yahweh has a plan of perfecting the universe. We’re a part of that plan but we need to remember to live in our own time. This video is an excerpt of the longer message given on March 9, 2024 which is located here https://firstcenturychristianity.net/putting-in-the-work/
Putting in the Work!
A message about putting in the work to learn Christianity for real and the differences between coming to the faith today versus 20 years ago.
The Law and the New Testament
The Law and the New Testament
The New Testament depends on the Law. We need it for our identity and, in addition to the Messiah, for our salvation. The video above and its companion pdf below show in absolute terms that the Torah is a requirement for salvation when Yeshua, aka Jesus, returns.
“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’ (Mat 7:21-23)
These verses show that there will be Christians, believers in Yeshua, who will be rejected when He returns for lawlessness. This lawlessness is exactly what it sounds like: The rejection of the Torah. This verse should put terror in all who have been taught that the Law was ended at the cross. That’s clearly not true. Those who teach this will be the ones rejected. This will be an absolute shock as they think He is coming back to receive them, but their rejection of the Torah makes them actual enemies.
Paul and Stephen
The accusation that the first century Christians taught against Moses starts very early in the faith. Stephen was accused of this in Acts 6. In Acts 7, he gives a speech that proves he did not reject the Torah or his heritage at all. It ends with him convicting the council of breaking Torah and they murder him, breaking it again.
Paul was also accused of breaking Torah. Not only does he refute this in word, but he did it in deed. In Acts 24, Paul tells that he brought the alms from the congregations to the temple. He had been purified and was following Torah by bringing the offerings into the storehouse. Paul makes it clear in his testimony that he believed all of the Torah and the prophets, thus rebuking the lawless claim.
The New Testament depends on the Law. We would not understand the Messiah at all without the Torah and the prophets. The apostles continue in Torah their whole lives. And those who claim to be Christians at the return of Yeshua who don’t follow the Law will be in for a horrible surprise.
The Chief’s Parade Shooting was the Result of a Dispute
Here’s what we can do about it.
Explaining the Spring Holy Days
Explaining the Spring Holy Days
When we put the traditional observances of Christianity to the test, well, they often fail. The Bible doesn’t support any observance remotely similar to Easter. The apostles never gathered on a Sunday in honor of the resurrection, they never had anything to do with eggs or bunnies, and none of them at pork at any point in their lives. The reality is that Jesus, aka Yeshua, commanded a specific observance on a specific annual date to be added to the Holy Days the disciples were already observing.
The Night He was Betrayed
On the night He was betrayed, He washed the feet of the disciples, and shared bread and wine. He said the bread and wine were symbolic of His body and blood. After washing the feet of the disciples, he said that they (we) should do to each other as He had done for them. And He specifically said to have that bread and wine in remembrance of Him.
These commandments are added to the Spring Holy Days the apostles already kept. The Passover, which can refer to the entire week-long observance, continued to be kept by the disciples once they became Apostles. Paul was taught to keep the Night He was Betrayed directly from the resurrected Messiah. He then commanded the congregations he either started or visited do as was done on the night Yeshua was betrayed. This included observing not just that night, but also the Passover and Days of Unleavened Bread. The message above in video, and below in print, is titled Explaining the Spring Holy Days. With comments from our congregation, I explain when to observe each day of this week-long celebration. I explain what to do as well, and support it all with easy to follow scripture. It would be best to watch the video, but the notes are there for easy searching.
You Matter
Nobody lights a lamp and puts it under a basket means that you matter. Jesus Christ, aka Yeshua, died for you because you have worth and can be righteous. The mainstream Christian doctrines surrounding works being somehow bad force a conclusion that believers are worthless. If there are none righteous, and you are going to stay unrighteous, then the Messiah died for nothing.
This teaching unravels these destructive and evil doctrines. These wrong teachings, called the doctrines of men, must be refuted because you matter. Yeshua taught expressly against these concepts, and I explain why people believe the opposite of plain scripture in the message. Nearly every page of the Gospels contains parables, teachings, or stories about righteous deeds versus unrighteous deeds. Christ clearly expressed that the disciples, prior to His death and resurrection, were the light of the world. They needed to live so that their righteous deeds could be seen by men and thus draw men closer to Yahweh.
The book after the Gospels is not called Acts because it is fashioned after a play. It’s called Acts because it records the righteous deeds of the first century believers. Their righteousness was based upon the Torah and they lived their lives precisely so mankind could follow their lead and learn righteousness. This teaching is provided in pdf and video format because you matter and it is Yahweh’s desire that you be saved and learn to be righteous.
The Most Important Moment in History
The bible chapter Acts 2 records the most important moment in history to date. The events from Creation through the Gospels all point to this moment in time when salvation is offered to all mankind. This message explains how the significant events in history connect to Acts 2.
The Input
The Creation of the earth displays how YHVH is a God of order. The Torah outlines a culture. It is not just a law but a comprehensive way of life. The prophets and history offer remarkably accurate prophesies. They also show us how to appreciate the structure of biblical literature. The Gospels show us what God expects of us through His Son. The remarkable culmination of prophesies and the emotional pain the Mesiah experienced illustrate YHVH’s plan for mankind.
The Output
From Acts 2, we see the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit) given directly to the common man. This enabled the apostles to communicate to people in their native languages so there is no confusion about the The Most Important Moment in History. The people who participated in the Messiah’s murder are humbled. They publicly profess their sins and repent. They, and we, learn the recipe for salvation: repent of your sins, accept Yeshua as the Messiah, and be baptized for forgiveness. Then Peter explains this message is for all whom God will call to Himself, which is why it matters to us.
Please enjoy this video on The Most Important Moment in History as we explain an overview of God’s plan of salvation for mankind.
Arguments Against the Trinity
Arguments against the Trinity are necessary because this doctrine has been made mandatory for salvation when it is not. This comprehensive and thorough study shows who Jesus aka Yeshua really is from both the Old and New Testaments. The message is available in video above and written out in pdf below for easy reference.
The Trinity and its related doctrines (such as Oness) are not found in the scriptures. These doctrines are absolutely not required for salvation. There isn’t a single scripture mandating these beliefs and there are more verses that refute the Trinity and its variations than one can count. What we must believe for salvation is expressed plainly and frequently in the New Testament. I begin the message with a brief note on how to be saved.
Arguments against the Trinity span history as well as scripture. This doctrine is supremely entrenched into Christianity as a precept of men. It was created over time and codified in the 400s AD. I go into the history of the Nicene Creed in a different message called “God is not a Trinity”, but in short, the Trinity is 100% a precept of men. Yeshua was specifically adamant against making doctrines out of the precepts of men. He is recorded as saying this in Matthew 15:9 and Mark 7:7. He was citing the Old Testament when He admonished the Pharisees about this practice. The prophet Isaiah uttered this in Isaiah 29:13 as a comprehensive refutation against those who make traditions and the ideas of men out to be doctrines equal to the commandments.
The Trinity is a documented doctrine of mankind. It’s history is traced starting with the council of Chalcedon in 451 and working backward. With this doctrine, Christianity hasn’t just taught a precept of men as a commandment, it has made this false doctrine a requirement for salvation.
Arguments against the Trinity are abundant. The New Testament seems to contradict this doctrine on each page in some fashion. I made this study to be a comprehensive and understandable as I could. Understanding the Yeshua is the Son of God who took on a mission from Yahweh to save mankind from eternal death is the most important information in history.