Worshiping Satan for Free
Yes, Halloween is Satan’s holiday
I don’t talk about this one much because, well, anybody who has ever read a bible should know this day is evil. The entire observation is opposed to the faith of the Bible regardless of if you emphasize the entire book or even just the New Testament. Threatening to prank people if they don’t give you candy while dressing up like demons is not something that should require a pastor to tell a believer not to do. When this holiday is observed by the children of Christian parents, it’s telling those kids the parents’ faith is just a hobby – it doesn’t even mean anything and can be set aside, even for wicked practices, at a whim. Let’s take a look at the seriousness.
And he led Him up and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said to Him, “I will give You all this domain and its glory, for it has been handed over to me, and I give it to whomever I want. Therefore if You worship before me, it shall all be Yours.” Yeshua replied to him, “It is written: ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY.’” (Luk 4:5-8)
Halloween’s history is in an ancient Celtic religious practice called Samhain (not pronounced anything like it is spelled). It’s not some secular day that accidentally got melded with spirits, its origin is in the worship of the earth and evil spirits, which is almost always traced back to worshiping Satan and his demons. It was melded into Christianity over hundreds of years. Once Rome conquered the Celtic lands, two pagan Roman holidays were mixed with Samhain. Once Rome became “Christian” in air quotes, the Catholics actually did try to get rid of this one. They made up a holiday called All Saints Day to be in the beginning of November to try and blend this one in/replace it, too. They failed and ended up just having another made up observance right after this pagan one. An easy history of this day is available at History.com.
Yeshua replied to him, “It is written: ‘YOU SHALL WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND SERVE HIM ONLY.’” (Luk 4:8)
“You shall fear only YHVH your Elohim; and you shall worship Him and swear by His name.” (Deu 6:13)
Yeshua’s response to Satan when He was being tempted is that worship is restricted Yahweh only. This is done in the manner and at the time he decides, not us. Societies have cultures that are rooted in what society holds holy. To be fair, some activities we do today have no religious significance whatsoever while looking like religious observances. The 4th of July is one of those. It’s a day when we all do similar activities to celebrate our independence from the British. Some sporting events are also similar to this. Halloween is not one of these exceptions. Halloween’s observances trace straight to pagan religious practices and nowhere else. This means this day and its observances are to be anathema to those who worship the God of Abraham. Our God is a jealous God who doesn’t tolerate blending. He has shown His disdain for that numerous times in history.
The quotation Yeshua used from Torah is just after the Shema, the most important commandment. Hear oh Israel, Yahweh is our Elohim, Yahweh is one. And you shall love Yahweh your Elohim with all your heart, soul, and strength. If you are doing this, just as the Son of God Himself did, then you will not find Halloween anything to be associated with.
When Satan tempted the Messiah, He promised wealth and kingdoms for that worship. Today, believers aren’t just worshiping Satan once a year, they’re doing it for free. Knock it off and take a stand for your faith.