We’re at the anniversary of the 9th plague. The 10th plague is just hours away. Are you ready to accept Yahweh and His Son and cross the Red Sea?
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Decision Time
We’re crossing the Red Sea. Are you coming?
It’s the bottom of the 9th. And this one isn’t going into extra innings. By 9th, I mean we are sitting right now at the anniversary of the 9th plague, give or take. The anniversary of the 10th plague is Wednesday night, the Passover. That’s the same night that Yeshua was in the tomb, voluntarily giving His life so we may have the opportunity to enter the Olam Haba, as the Lamb of Yahweh.
There were 10 plagues at the Exodus. There were not 10 plagues in the first century. Nope, Yeshua’s ministry was about reaching people a different way. He reached them through love, patience, longsuffering, healing, and teaching. With incredible wisdom and humility He went to the cross, as a lamb to the slaughter.
When He comes back, though. It’s going to be different. Much different. And we’re closer to that now than I ever thought I would see in my lifetime. The world is falling apart at an incredible pace.
A house divided cannot stand. This gets credited to Abraham Lincoln very often. And that’s a shame. Because Lincoln was quoting the Messiah. The spiritual leaders of Yeshua’s day accused Him of doing miracles, blessed works, by the power of Satan. He replied that a house divided cannot stand, meaning that Him casting out demons would have put Him at odds with the Adversary. But isn’t this how society has become? As it was in the Days of Noah, when righteous ones are scarce and mocked. And Christian schools get shot up. By people who clearly have issues, if not literal demons.
So the point here is that it’s the bottom of the ninth. The 10th plague is just hours away. And t which plague are you going to decide to follow Yahweh? It comes down to a binary choice. YHVH or not. Our Messiah made the choice to follow His Father through death into resurrection.
Tuesday night we wash each other’s feet in the way Yeshua commanded.
Wednesday night we commemorate Abraham and Isaac, the Exodus, the sacrifice of Yeshua, and we look forward to the New Jerusalem.
Thursday we keep Chag ha Matza ahad, the first day of Unleavened Bread.
This is the real holy week, brothers and sisters. This is how it’s done. How we do it varies, but we do it. And you’re welcome to join. Just like when the Hebrews were liberated, they were joined by hundreds of thousands of foreigners who knew the way out. That way out was to follow Yahweh. Just like Rahab, who knew the way out was to cling to Yahweh’s people.
And what about those who didn’t come? Well, it gets worse than that. Pharaoh had an army who literally went to war against the Creator of the universe. It is recorded that the cloud put itself at the rear of the fleeing mixed multitude, to protect them from the army of evil. Yahweh even has our backs if we leave Egypt. And that’s the same paradigm as the end of the 1000 years, when the nations go to war against the holy city one last time. It really is a binary choice, folks. It’s either for Yahweh and His Son Yeshua or it for the Adversary.
So we’re crossing the Red Sea this week. We’re leaving Egypt. Are you coming? Because, guess what? Next time there are only 7 plagues. So get in early.