The Sabbath, Order, and Peace

Sabbath Order Peace

The Sabbath, Order, and Peace. From Creation through to the New Jerusalem, observing God’s Sabbath brings peace by establishing order in the home and in society.

By the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made. (Gen 2:2-3)

Does anybody think God needed to rest? This is similar to Yeshua being baptized. The Messiah had no sin, so He had no reason to get baptized other than for our example. This is the same thing. Yahweh had no need to rest. In fact, He doesn’t even reside within the constraints of time and space. He is resting here to demonstrate what mankind is supposed to do. After making man, YHVH takes a break. The first thing Adam experienced as a living being was Shabbat. Have you ever thought of that? YHVH made the heavens and the earth and all that are in them. Then, on the 6th day, He makes man. On the seventh, He rests while in fellowship with man and His creation. The beginning of that age began with peace and that peace was established upon order.

Order is required for peace. Order is established at Creation. Order creates peace. Knowing what to expect. Six days of labor and then one where God appreciates all He had made.

Satisfying to have a clean house every Friday. Satisfying to have a family routine. Same as creation week. Gas tank is full. House is clean. Shopping done. Laundry done and put away. Yard mowed. Take out for dinner to keep the mess to a minimum. Time to relax with God, family, and then our family in Messiah. Get together in person with people that we can trust. People who will support each other and share things we can’t with the world. We share a message, some songs, a meal. After having done this for over 20 years, it’s impossible to imagine not doing it. It’s a lifestyle and a very pleasant one nonetheless.