The Day of Trumpets

The Day of Trumpets

The Day of Trumpets, also called Yom Teruah, is an ancient Holy Day that prophecies the return of the Messiah. This knowledge has been lost since the first century.

The notes are posted below but please watch the video for much more detail and discussion.

Yom Teruah 2024

Chag Sameach everybody! Welcome to the Day of Trumpets, Yom Teruah. Lots of folks ponder prophecy and don’t realize we have been given a road map. This road map was established at creation and the lined out through the Holy Days of Leviticus 23. Most of Christianity doesn’t pay much attention to the Old Testament at all, to their peril. Once people realize the whole bible is applicable to us today and learn about the relationship of the Holy Days to prophecy, the bible makes a lot more sense. Let’s start with a scripture most people know.

Slide 2 (1Th 4:13-18)

The next step in prophecy is the return of Yeshua, the Messiah. Most believe this will happen at some random time in the future. That may very well be true, but there are big hints here for those of us who value the Torah as to what time of year He will return.

Slide 3 (Lev 23:1-2) then  (Lev 23:23-25)

Leviticus 23 outlines YHVH’s appointed times. The KJV wrongly calls these feasts. Most are that, but the larger umbrella is the word moedim, or appointed times. Yom Kippur, for example, is not a feast so it does not fall into that category. It does, however, fall into the category of an appointed time. These days are Yahweh’s Outlook calendar. It’s when He expects His people to stop their lives and meet with Him. The Sabbath is weekly, the rest are annual.

When the Messiah was crucified on Passover and the Ruach, the Spirit, given on Shavuot/Pentecost, which are both appointed times, we realized that all these days have a prophetic significance.

When we look at the Day of Trumpets, we see similar language to Paul’s description of the return of the Messiah. There’s only one word for blowing here, trumpets is implied. The word for blowing is teruah, which is the real name of this Holy Day. It’s not Rosh Hashanah, it’s actually Yom Teruah. Teruah can mean “clamor, battle cry, shouting, blowing of trumpets, and general noise.” Connecting this day to the return of the Messiah is not a stretch at all. The first time the Messiah came, He came as a lamb. When He returns, it will be as a lion with legions of angels. It will be loud, visible, and overwhelming.

Slide 4 (Jos 6:1-5 NAS95)

Peter writes that a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day to God. From this, we extrapolate that this earth, this era, has 6K years to effectively run its course. In Revelation 20, it is written there will be a future 1000 year period that’s a Messianic kingdom. It begins with the return of the Messiah and we believe the Day of Trumpets to signify that. These verses allude to it pretty directly. Jericho was a pagan city that YHVH wanted destroyed. It also symbolizes Egypt, Babylon, and all of men’s works. The people of God are to follow His instructions, no matter how silly, for the 6K years so when He topples this system, we will be found faithful. There was even a family who repented late in life on the wall of Jericho. Rahab, who hid the spies, was saved when the calamity befell Jericho. She and her whole family were grafted into the family of God, and she was even in the lineage of Yeshua. The lessons here are plentiful. When the Israelites crossed the Jordan, the people of Canaan knew it was the end of them. They knew it was for war. When the Messiah comes back, same thing. Most of the world will tremble. But some will repent and be saved, even in disaster. And the work that is coming is noisy and obvious. It’s not a secret. So if someone tells you the Messiah has already returned, well, you know not to listen to them. When He comes back, every knee will bow and every tongue confess. It’s going to be big, obvious, and the change to this planet will be a permanent change. When the ultimate kingdom comes, that Messianic kingdom, nobody will be able to say “I didn’t know about it, tell me more.”

Slide 5 Mark 13 – AD 70 and then the end. False Christs. We know Isaiah spoke about two different things at once so let’s not assume that can’t happen again. The temple is destroyed then the elect are gathered. The abomination of desolation twice, AD 70 and Maccabees.

End up at Mark 13:32 – nobody knows the day or hour. Idiom about the day of Trumpets. We use a calculated calendar today. This year and last it was correct. The days of the tetrad red moons, it was correct. But even if we know it to be quite accurate, we are never completely sure. Yom Teruah is the only Holy Day that falls on the first day of the month. It begins on the first day of the 7th month. In ancient times, they had to watch and be ready for this holy day. Once it was sighted, the silver trumpets from the trumpet would be sounded at the command of the Kohen Gadol, then the sound would be repeated throughout the land. A sabbath day that springs upon us… to a degree. People can surely count to 28 from the last month and start looking. As we have been looking more and more in recent years, haven’t we?

Slide 6 I Cor 15: 1-28  The resurrection tied to Trumpets. The order of things to come. We need to comfort one another with these words. There is an order. We know it. And even thought things get bad, and then worse, we know that once He returns, it will set in motion things prophesied for ages.

20 ties first fruits to the resurrection, the day He was resurrected.

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