Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it is a famous quote by Sir Winston Churchill. In this podcast, I illustrate that our society has indeed forgotten history and our slide to pure debauchery, socialism, and communism is a result of this. I also include how rejecting God and the bible are central to our demise and were erased from our society on purpose. Please also scroll down to watch the video of a KGB defector explain his first-hand experience with overthrowing countries.
Audio only right below here. The special video is below that.
Special video of the KGB defector
The Cure for Communism
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
This quote is attributed to a few people, but I prefer to cite Sir Winston Churchill and it will become apparent as we move forward. Today, I’m going to explain why our servants swear an oath to God in a round about way.
The imaginations of men. Do you ever wonder why our movie plots don’t make sense and nobody seems to care? The most successful movies are often just vehicles for social propaganda where the definitions of heroes are now shifting to lionize even the most vile of creatures. Do you ever wonder why all of a sudden any manner of sexual debauchery isn’t just tolerated but it’s celebrated?
The loss of critical thinking training. Logical fallacies abound. If you believe a then you must not believe b. No nuance and no time to investigate anything. You either believe something completely the moment you hear it or you reject it completely. Positions are hammered into the ground, even completely irrational concepts that have been concretely untrue for thousands of year are now not just mainstream, but are unchallengeable in just the span of a couple decades. How did this happen?
Would you believe that these concepts were introduce into our society on purpose and for a specific reason? Well, I will post a video showing why this is happening to us under this post on and you will likely be shocked.
The purpose of all this is to make a mess. A literal mess of a country where society and its institutions of government and religion fail. But also a psychological mess where people have no idea what to believe. We have had years of full blown riots in the streets of the United States and other western nations with nobody being brought to justice. Our justice system handles cases based on political affiliation, not on the merits of cases, as is proscribed in the Torah and in our founding principles. People are pitted against each other on issues where both folks are partially right and partially wrong at the same time. And these things are being done to us on purpose. Confusion is a blazing fire that keeps getting fanned. To what point? The point is to generate a sense of outrage and hopelessness that conditions society to desperately seek a solution, even it it’s an irrational solution.
The point is to bring a society to the point where it makes an irrational decision that it would never normally make. The Bolshevik revolution was the turning point in Russia where the people enacted communism. Communism is a system of government that is coined as giving power to the working class by the elimination of private property, but in reality it creates a dictatorship that is so deep that you are not even free to think what you want. The government becomes God, the giver of life and the taker of life, and the highest authority in the land. The Russians got to this point because of deep economic problems that were blamed on the aristocracy. They made an emotional decision to redistribute wealth that resulted in 80 years of complete despotism and oppression.
The same thing happened with the birth of Nazi Germany. While people like to say the Nazis were far right and the Soviets were far left, both regimes were far left totalitarian dictatorships founded on socialism/communism and the rejection of God. The famous night of broken glass was the tipping point. Jews were besmirched for years as being evil and were discriminated against until this night where Jewish homes and business were ransacked by Germans and Austrians. 267 synagogues destroyed. All while authorities looked on and did nothing. If this sounds familiar, it should, because our own society had riots all over the place where police were forbidden from protecting the peace a couple years ago.
The phrase “In God We Trust” was added to US currency in 1957. This was one small part in our fight against communism and socialism. It was put there to remind us that our nation only exists by the grace of God and that our leaders are accountable to Him. This was a direct response to the godless regime of the USSR that was undermining our way of life in the 1950s. They wanted to normalize debauchery, discredit God, and then watch our nation fall apart. In the aftermath, they would either destroy us or take us over. The godless always want to spread their godlessness, and then replace themselves as god.
Sir Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of the UK during WWII. When Hitler started taking over countries, Churchill spoke out and wanted to intervene early. He was dismissed in favor of diplomacy and negotiations. Once it became reality that Hitler was not interested in diplomacy or negotiations, Churchill came to power and the British suffered the blitz, the constant bombardment of the Nazis, until we joined the war and liberated Europe. This is the man who said those who fail to know history are doomed to repeat it.
The USSR, aka the Soviet Union, started a program of destabilization in the United States in the 1950s. This is how they took over countries – by creating havoc and then sweeping in as the solution. And the poor people inviting them in didn’t realize the absolute evil of that way of life until it was too late. Again, please watch the video below this for first-hand testimony of this practice. The west defeated the Soviet Union and communism in 1991, when the Berlin Wall fell. Our way of life defeated the socialist dictatorships because our way of life is superior. Unfortunately, nobody could stop what they had started with destabilizing our society. It has run on autopilot ever since and is one very large reason why people question even the most concrete of facts like the shape of the earth and that there are only two genders. It’s hard to realize that a villain did this to us when that villain was invisible to begin with and literally no longer exists today. But that villain did indeed do this to us and it is one reason why society is spiraling out of control.
So what is the solution? First we have to understand history and learn the basics of what has happened before. We also have to understand that black is black, white is white, and there are absolute truths. The way to stop communism and socialism is something that seems like a non-sequitur to us today. It’s to read your bibles. Understand that the highest authority in the universe is the Creator of the Universe. Understand there is a Creator and He has told us how He wants us to live through His Word, the 66 book bible that our leaders are supposed to swear their oaths to serve on. Our nation was founded by men who had deep respect for the Bible and created a nation where we would be free to worship as we see fit. Our founders had restraint with power, some refusing to serve, with Washington refusing to become king. They knew their actions would be judge by a higher power because their culture was one founded on scripture. They created a government that could improve and change over time, based on the will of the people through their elected representatives who swore an oath to God when they took power. Our way forward is to repent and turn back to God. The path back is a long one, but it doesn’t get shorter until each of us decides to turn around and get on that path.
To go along with this, Chris, you need to watch the documentary video “Enemies Within the Church.” I think you can stream it, but not sure where. I bought the DVD from American Family Radio. It’s kind of long (2+ hours), but in it they name religious big-wigs who are complicit in corrupting the American church. Names like Al Mohler, Andy Stanley, Tim Keller, etc. (Not that it resembles the first century church, anyway.) But, the reason? Marxists decided that America’s strength is in its churches, and if the churches can be taken, the whole country falls. So they’ve invaded the church’s movers and shakers and their seminaries. The ending sermon is worth the whole video, in my opinion.
David Gleue
Thanks David. Is this the movie?
Yes. That is the website for the documentary creators.