The One Word the “Torah” Teachers won’t Teach

The One Word the “Torah” Teachers won’t Teach

What the Torah Teachers won’t Teach

James 3:1-5

The responsibility when a man thinks he knows the bible enough to start talking about it is enormous. We most often invoke this passage when speaking about bad teaching, but there’s another type of bad teaching that needs to be addressed today – omission.

Lots of folks sound like me but I’m afraid once we peel back the layers, we find they are still in that Babylonia system, especially when it comes to the identity of the Son of God. When people get into this walk, we often spend a TON of time learning about the Names Yahweh and Yeshua. However, the word we need to clearly define is neither of those. The word we need to define is Christ.

Matthew 16:16

Christ is not a last name. Yes, I’m afraid most of the world thinks His first Name is Jesus and His last name is Christ. Not the case, Christ is a title, not a name, and one that has a specific definition.

Part of the definition is right here in front of us. Son of God. And Yeshua blesses Peter for this being revealed to him by Yeshua’s Father, who is a completely different being that was in heaven at that moment in time while His Son was on earth.

The teachers never teach this one. They love to talk about calendars, ancient alphabets, pronunciations, or impossible to reconcile doctrines, but this right here is salvation.

1 John 5: 11-12

If you have the Son, you have life. If you do not, you don’t. You can have the Father and deny the Son, by the way. And you can deny the Son by making Him out to be His own Father or making Him out to not be who He really is, the Son of God who is subordinate to His Father, who He Himself identifies as God.

From Matthew, we know the Christ is synonymous with the Son of God. Is there anything more to that definition? Yes, look at Matthew again and scroll through the definitions.

Anointed. That means somebody else anointed Him. Anointing is a calling, or an appointing, for a mission, specifically by Yahweh. Yeshua is not the only person to have this title, however He is THE Messiah while the others were just “a” Messiah.

The word Christ is not a random word. In Greek, it means to put oil on something. It was chosen as the direct translation for the word Messiah in Hebrew. Understand, there is nothing pagan about this word and it was chosen to be used for Messiah when the LXX was made – 150 years before Yeshua.

Switch to Brenton, search Christ, find Psalm 2, read, then switch to NASB95. Explain the word Messiah or Christ should be there, as well as other places. I don’t know why the English translators never do this.

Make it clear there is YHVH and there is His Anointed. It’s two. Not some incomprehensible amalgamation. Not a mystery. Yahweh anointed Yeshua to be His servant. Down to verse 7 and we see this Anointed one is Yahweh’s Son. He’s not another Yahweh, but the Son of God. I am not making it up, folks, but this is the stuff your “Torah teacher” won’t touch because they are terrified to teach you the truth and break with Trinitarianism. They need to realize they were not given the gift of speech so they can teach secondary and tertiary things.

Acts 2: 22-24 this is why it’s so important. God really did send His Son. His Son really did die. And God resurrected Him. These are not my words, friends. I have to tell you the truth lest I suffer judgment.

Acts 2: 32-26 God made Him the Messiah. Again, not my words. These are Peter’s words given to him by the Ruach ha Kodesh, the Holy Spirit.

Acts 3: 13-15 Again, testifying that God raised Yeshua.

Acts 4: 8-12 Finish here. Peter and John called as two witnesses to testify in front of the Sanhedrin. They said what they said. This is the Gospel. The most important information mankind can know, that God sent His Son, the Messiah, to pay the price for our sins. Do you accept Yeshua as the Messiah, the Son of God?

Yom Kippur 2024: Explaining the Last Adam

Yom Kippur 2024: Explaining the Last Adam

Yom Kippur 2024: Explaining the Last Adam. The history of the Day of Atonement and its importance to the end of days.

The history of the Day of Atonement is almost as old as earth itself. This day is applicable to Christians today and incredibly important for understanding the end of days.

You Matter

Nobody lights a lamp and puts it under a basket means that you matter. Jesus Christ died for you because you have worth and can be righteous.

Nobody lights a lamp and puts it under a basket means that you matter. Jesus Christ, aka Yeshua, died for you because you have worth and can be righteous. The mainstream Christian doctrines surrounding works being somehow bad force a conclusion that believers are worthless. If there are none righteous, and you are going to stay unrighteous, then the Messiah died for nothing.

This teaching unravels these destructive and evil doctrines. These wrong teachings, called the doctrines of men, must be refuted because you matter. Yeshua taught expressly against these concepts, and I explain why people believe the opposite of plain scripture in the message. Nearly every page of the Gospels contains parables, teachings, or stories about righteous deeds versus unrighteous deeds. Christ clearly expressed that the disciples, prior to His death and resurrection, were the light of the world. They needed to live so that their righteous deeds could be seen by men and thus draw men closer to Yahweh.

The book after the Gospels is not called Acts because it is fashioned after a play. It’s called Acts because it records the righteous deeds of the first century believers. Their righteousness was based upon the Torah and they lived their lives precisely so mankind could follow their lead and learn righteousness. This teaching is provided in pdf and video format because you matter and it is Yahweh’s desire that you be saved and learn to be righteous.


Title slide for the message titled Deception

In this message/discussion, I explain the depts of deception within our society and how we arrived in the present state. This deception includes confusion within religions, of course, which was and continues to be done by Satan. The adversary wants to deceive whoever he can to draw worship for himself or, at a minimum, draw worship away from Yahweh, the one true God, and His Son, Yeshua. However, our present state of confusion goes beyond religion.
We can trace our present state of affairs to a nation that no longer exists. The USSR purposely introduced deceit and confusion through the countries they overthrew. This was done by infiltrating schools and the media in order to introduce conflicting messages and concepts into a society. I prove they did this to use with a video of a former KGB agent who defected in the 1980s. This agent outlines how the USSR would destroy societies from within through methods of deception.
Because we have lost fundamental tools of comprehending information. I briefly outline the differences between social sciences and pure sciences. How we receive, categorize, and digest information on a basic level is crucial to returning society to normal. This pertains to religion because people are coming to the knowledge of the truth but then immediately being pulled into ludicrous directions. Folks who are easily led astray often have much zeal but entertaining flawed information, by mis-categorizing good information, or by setting unreasonable expectations of proof for doctrines. Please enjoy this message through one of the video offerings and provide some feedback! Shares and like are always appreciated!

Tribulation Takes Time

This is an in-depth study on the rise and fall of civilizations from a biblical perspective. Key points:

  • The time it takes for societies to fall is a lot longer than we think.
  • The timeline between Adam and the flood is about 1600 years.
  • The United States is a metaphor for Israel and a wicked nation simultaneously.
  • Specifically how the New Testament shifted the focus from a singular nation back to a global effort of salvation similar to pre-flood.
  • Very specific instances of falling away in the present day and why it is so difficult to get people to repent today.

Why the Tree of Life is Our Logo

‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the Tree of life which is in the Paradise of God.’
(Rev 2:7)

Adam and Eve had one commandment in the Garden of Eden and that was to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They were created immortal and given dominion over the earth with just this one rule, that they broke. After the fall, they were expelled from the Garden which separated them from the Tree of Life. This also separated all mankind from that tree which means we have been fallen, mortal beings ever since.

In the New Testament we learn about eternal life. God, who’s Name is Yahweh, has provided a mechanism for bridging the gap between mankind and eternal life through His Son, Yeshua. We know that the path to eternal life is to repent, accept Yeshua as the Messiah, be baptized, and then live a life of obedience. This lifestyle is outlined from Genesis to Revelation but is best illustrated through the life of Jesus the Christ, Yeshua the Messiah. He lived Torah perfectly and showed us how to keep the commandments, having died a sinless death for the sins of all who accept Him. He was resurrected by God and is now seated at His Right Hand. Yeshua is the Mediator between us and God and will return to judge the living and the dead.

The Tree of Life and the scripture verse that tells us plainly how to overcome is our logo. The recipe for attaining eternal life is comprised in one simple statement: Keep the Torah while believing in Yeshua. This represents the mission of this ministry. We strive to reach as many as possible with this simple message and help guide people into a walk that will lead us all to the Tree of Life.

The Great Tribulation

Yeshua aka Jesus was saying things the audience already knew in Matthew 24. For instance, the abomination of desolation and the great tribulation were things that had already happened once! Click here for a deeper understanding of events to come!

The Apostle Paul

Paul is an Apostle

Understanding the Apostle Paul and the doctrines that depend on his writings can take years of study. This in-depth message can shave a lot of time from your efforts and help make the entire bible more understandable. Key points in this message:

First understand the rest of the Bible from Genesis to revelation.

Select a Bible that is up to date on the most accurate manuscripts and literal while also being easy to comprehend.

Understand how first century Jews communicated, particularly how they communicated when referencing scripture and doctrine.

Come to the realization that without Paul’s writings, the bible doesn’t apply to gentile converts at all.

For God So Loved the World

For God So Loved the World

John 3:16 is almost always cited as a stand alone verse. This verse is actually part of a conversation Yeshua (Jesus) has with Nicodemus who is a leader of the Pharisees. Yeshua reveals precious information about Himself and His ministry to Nicodemus beyond the phrase “for God so loved the world”. This information was revealed to Nicodemus prior to it being revealing to the Disciples.

Nicodemus calls Yeshua “Rabbi”, which is an amazing honor for such a leader to humble himself to the Messiah at the beginning of His ministry. This same Nicodemus remains faithful to the end, even being present at the cross when the Disciples had scattered. This discussion includes the new concept of being born again, which the context indicates was something to happen in a person’s lifetime. Yeshua also revealed His pre-existence to Nicodemus, who miraculously remained faithful even after hearing such strange and new information. Please enjoy this deep dive into the context of this remarkable conversation!

Salvation and Works

Salvation and Works

The truth about salvation and works.

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Eph 2:8-9)

This is the famous verse that believers use to show we can’t save ourselves. That’s completely true. We can’t save ourselves. Yahweh grants salvation to whomever He wishes. Paul writes the same thing in Romans 9:18, that Yahweh hardens whom He hardens and has mercy on who He has mercy.

The challenge comes when folks focus on this topic to the extreme position that negates works with respect to salvation. The idea is that because works can’t save, then one doesn’t need to do anything to obtain or maintain salvation. This is a ridiculous concept.

Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do?” Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Yeshua the Messiah for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Act 2:37-38)

Repentance means what we all think it means, to be sorry for what you have done, acknowledge it, and decide to not do it again. Peter is talking to the very people who had Yeshua innocently executed. Murdering people will prevent you from being in the kingdom, therefore not murdering people is required for salvation. Repentance covers sins, therefore one must acknowledge sins and repent of them to be saved. What are sins, pray tell?

Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. You know that He appeared in order to take away sins; and in Him there is no sin. No one who abides in Him sins; no one who sins has seen Him or knows Him. (1Jn 3:4-6)

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