The Name of YHVH

The history of spoken Hebrew, how to pronounce the Name YHVH, what the Name means, and how to keep the third commandment.

Excerpt: Hebrew was only spoken by Rabbis or a sparse amount of people. It was a dead language in 1881 and had been dead since biblical times. It died on purpose, after the Romans destroyed Judea and scattered the Jews and original Christians all over the place. Those dedicated to the Torah made the conscious decision to preserve it as best they could. It was not standardized but it did exist in the Yeshiva for reading Hebrew Torah scrolls and some families kept it going. So there was enough for Ben Yehuda to start it coming back, so Israel could have it’s own language. He did this as a nationalistic thing, not a religious thing. The religious leaders shunned him, saying that when it was time for Hebrew to come back, Yahweh would do it. He was motivated by Italy and Greece, who had recently restored their lands and languages. He wanted Hebrew to become the language of his people so they could be a people. And it succeeded. Please watch the message in video to appreciate the visual learning tools and learn how to pronounce the Name YHVH and what it means!

The following are the notes for this message. This message is intended to be listened to but the notes help so you can quickly find something or if folks are searching the internet.