History is Repeating: The Comeback of Totalitarianism.
Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Did you know there are people who purposely want to erase history so that it does repeat? Do you know this was a very common weapon used against nations just a few decades ago?
Communism and Fascism were universally rejected in the 1990s. Somehow these are making a comeback and we have to stop it. These two terms refer to economic systems that bring about dictatorships where all commerce, thought, production, power, etc. become centralized in a government and the people do not possess any rights whatsoever. They are awful systems that bring death and oppression. Those of us who are in our 50s or higher were taught to loathe these systems and value freedom and the free market in school. We were taught this through books that showed the awful result of these systems of government. Fahrenheit 451, Animal Farm, Brave New World, Atlas Shrugged, and other works were these books. If you’ve never read one of these, you really ought to.
Ask yourself a couple questions. Do you hold any beliefs today that are in direct opposition to something you believed recently? If so, how did that happen?
Do you hold any political beliefs that are completely incongruent? Meaning at total odds with each other?
If the answer is yes, you really want to keep listening. Because something has been done to you by outside forces to get you this way. Intentionally. And for sinister reasons.
Click to read the 45 communist goals of 1963
The goals of the societal takedown. Keep in mind they socialist/Marxist/communist people did not believe these points were valid for society. They used these to destroy existing societies so they could replace authority with themselves.
They had to get rid of religion, specifically Christianity, secondarily Judaism, to do this. That’s because adherents of these two faiths hold a morality that doesn’t come from mankind. And adherents of these two faiths are also educated. It’s hard to change society when the citizenry holds to a moral authority above the state and can also critically sift through information. These two religions also have educated leaders who can sway the populace, and the state can’t have that.
Well, religion is nearly gone from our society. We are two generations deep into a society that is largely unchurched. And that means any church.
Forgetting or rewriting history is also a component. That’s the reason for this post.
It’s all to condition us to believe lies. Today, with the internet being almost universally accessed several times a day by everyone in developed countries, lies spread like wildfire. Social media should be called socialist media at this point. Truth looks stranger than fiction, like understanding how communism comes in. And we lost truth in 30 years while, shockingly, at the same time we had an information revolution. Norway not refueling a nuclear sub is the latest whopper. For those who may not know, nuclear subs and ships only refuel every 20 years and it’s not done in a port of call.
Class warfare and strawmen are how these violent revolutions get kicked off. What happened in the Bolshevik revolution, the revolution that turned Russia into the USSR (Soviet Socialist Republics) was one of class envy. The czars held all the wealth and property, everybody else was a servant, and the people had enough. Joseph Stalin, a dynamic leader, convinced everyone that they should rise up, kill the czars, take their wealth, and distribute it to the people based on a communist ideal: “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” And guess what? He would be the one to determine who needs something and who didn’t. It was a huge con to get him the wealth of the nation. And it led to the murder and starvation of millions of people.
Hitler used the Jews as strawmen for his socialist takeover of Germany. You heard that right, both of these countries were socialist. The USSR stands for the union of soviet socialist republics and NAZI stands for the national socialist party. Kristalnacht, the night of broken glass, was a staged event by the Nazis to make it look like the people had risen up against Jews. It was also a con. A state sponsored con. Used to incite violence and lead to a totalitarian takeover of the country and the murder of millions.
Class warfare doesn’t make sense anymore. Many wage earners have achieved parity with salary or commissioned people. This is due to the work unions and others have done to get fair wages. Compensation has been worked from a “total compensation” view for decades. This means base plus OT plus bonus plus health insurance and other benefits to represent a total package.
What this means is that a lot of people can afford middle class lifestyles today that could not when we rejected communism. Neighborhoods used to be based by class. This is not the case anymore. Your neighborhood probably has doctors, lawyers, accountants, sales reps, engineers, school teachers, truckers, welders, teachers, and firemen in it. Some hourly employees can clear $150K nowadays while many salaried chemists and accountants make half of that.
Kristalnacht happens almost daily on the internet. People who are popular and powerful don’t side with the accepted part beliefs of whichever party they associate with and are destroyed. Sometimes in an afternoon and almost always unfairly. And hating people who might make more than you or make the same as you in a different way is another trick to get you upset enough to do or believe things you would never normally do.
When this comes to the bible, let’s make it abundantly clear that you are not entitled to your neighbor’s stuff whether they make more than you or you just think they do. Hating people because you are told to do so by your political leaders is also a grievous sin. On the testimony of two or three witnesses shall each matter (of law) be decided. How many things do we believe today are true when they have never been adjudicated (meaning judged in an open court?). We can see online that the two brand new heads of justice in our country are being called publicly for dismissal because they could not release the Epstein files in their first week on the job. Tell me, would you treat your spouse like this? Your children? Your coworkers? If you found something awry in your household, do you jump to conclusions or do your give your friends and loved ones the benefit of the doubt? And when you do jump to conclusion and get mad, how often do you need to take it back and apologize? I know I have to eat crow more often than I should because I make rash judgments when I’m in a foul mood so I know the answer to this.
Friends, brothers and sisters, countrymen, if you are listening to this, please share it. The wheels are coming off society and many are cheering it on. We need a national, maybe an international, cooling off period. Our leaders are fanning the flames of conflict, both internally and internationally, and then making decisions based on the popular reaction to their fanning of the flames. This is mob rule on a scale never before seen. We need to cool off and make sound judgments before decisions are made that can’t be unmade and we lose the greatest country on earth.