Shalom, friends! We keep the Sabbath in North Kansas City together each week in a New Covenant context. Our fellowship is at 2018 Gentry Street in North Kansas City, MO 64116 each week (this is not our mailing address). We get together at noon for lunch and services start at 1pm central time. If the weather looks bad and you’ve never met with us before, please contact us so we know you’re coming. A picture of the door to enter the building is at the bottom of this page. You may catch the live stream at First Century Christianity – YouTube
Our worship service is similar in form to most Christian church services. We have prayer request time, scripture readings, sing worship songs that range from traditional hymns to contemporary Christian music to Messianic-style songs that mix Hebrew and English. Our sermon time is more interactive than most, feeling more like a bible study at times than a one way message. We also do Hebraic dancing from time to time, which is similar to choreographed line dancing to our worship songs that anybody can do.
We do use the actual Names of God (Yahweh) and Jesus (Yeshua). However, we are not dogmatic about it. Feel free to use the traditional Names if you come to worship with us and enjoy learning about their real Names, what they mean, and why we use them.
We also keep the Holy Days of Leviticus 23. Those dates move around on the calendar each year. They are listed on Holy Day Dates – First Century Christianity. The annual Holy Days, also called moedim, are part of keeping the Torah and are things the first century Christians adopted when they joined the family of Yahweh. These days are mostly observed with a traditional church service but some have differences. As you worship with us, we’ll explain the differences and why we do what we do.
We look forward to meeting you as we keep the Sabbath in Kansas City!