God cannot be a Trinity because Jesus, the Son, is always subordinate to the Father, who is God.
“You heard that I said to you, ‘I go away, and I will come to you.’ If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced because I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.” (Joh 14:28)
This is a very clear example of Yeshua (Jesus) being lesser than His Father (Yahweh), and it just makes sense. Most people who say they believe in the Trinity actually believe this, too. When it comes down to it, they don’t actually believe in the Trinity at all, but think they do because the word is rather ambiguous and it’s a requirement for baptism in 99.9% of churches. One must say they are Trinitarian to be members in the club.
There’s a reason the doctrine of the Trinity is ambiguous. It was created to allow a whole lot of people with varying beliefs about the relationship between Yahweh and Yeshua to claim to believe the same doctrine. This is the net result here 1700 years later. Two people sitting in pews in the same church who say they are Trinitarian don’t believe the Trinity the same. The shocking truth is the Trinity doctrine is actually a political dogma built to solve a political problem. Disputes about the nature of Yeshua and His relationship to Yahweh created full blown physical conflicts back in the third and early fourth centuries. Doctrine wars were literally wars. You can’t have a universal church (Catholic really means universal) when people are openly disagreeing to the point of violence. So they came up with a doctrine that satiated almost everyone. And those who refused to believe, well, at a minimum they got disfellowshipped. A minimum.
Tackling the most sensitive topic in all of #Christianity. We're told to test all things. Are you willing to test this one? pic.twitter.com/l9iRd0BGbb
— Chris (@Messianic73) January 5, 2024
I can see God being a trinity but not a Trinity of distinct divine Persons. God the Father is invisible and His Self-expression (extension) is the visible Logos. God “appeared” in His Logos several times throughout the Old Testament period. This appearance was Christ in His pre-incarnate form. The invisible God appeared in His Logos in similitude of a Cloud, Fire, Glory, Angel/Man, etc. These are all forms of God’s self-expression. The Holy Spirit is God’s further Self-expression in and through His children. This is not Modalism because this understanding allows for the invisible God to be in Heaven and on earth at the same time (Omnipresent). He is in Heaven working in and through the Man Christ Jesus and at the same time in His children via the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God/Christ expressed on earth. Trinitarianism states that the Spirit is NOT the Lord Jesus. But Scripture confirms, “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (2 Cor. 3:17) And regarding God the Father and the Holy Spirit Jesus said, “God is a Spirit…” There are distinctions but those distinctions are not in Persons but in expressions. Oneness dogma tries to make God the Father and His Son Jesus one singular being. They use Jesus’ statements, “I and my Father are one” and “When you’ve seen me you’ve seen the Father” but no where does He say, “I am the Father!” Jesus’ language above is based on the fact that God the Father was in Him reconciling the World to Himself. This is how creation transpired as well. God the Father was in Christ the Logos creating everything through Him. This is how I see it. Be blessed.
Comments are welcome, especially on this topic which is unnecessarily taboo. Please do not comment just off the title. These messages are available in print, audio, and video format. Please digest before commenting.
I must put I think as I have not found some place scripturally to hang this next statement from. I work in IT Infrastructure and we have an idea of a snapshot or clone of an environment. It is not the environment that is running, but it actually is a copy of an instance in time of that original environment. When I have asked Father to show me how He and His/The/My Messiah relate, His simple answer to me was a Snapshot.
Before someone gets super upset, a snapshot is begotten from the original; a snapshot is an exact representative of the original; the snapshot has the characteristics of the original; etc.
The scriptures are clear that there are 2; a Father and His only begotten Son. However, to say that I, the creation, fully understand the Creator is arrogance. I will concede to Know Him thru a glass darkly, but one day, Know Him even as I will be fully Known.
One last thought on this. The pronoun for Set Apart Ruach is feminine and there are many allusions for family in the Scriptires. But then again, there are 7 spirits according to Isaiah and The Revelation of Yeshuah along with 7 Kingdoms within that revealing as seen when the Lamb steps out of the throne and has 7 eyes and 7 horns.
Something to think about.
Thanks for the comment! I hope more share their thoughts on this crucial topic!