If My People

If My People

The phrase “If My People” is used to reference scripture about humbling ourselves. The context of these verses shows us how to obtain humility. Most of Christianity uses these verses properly, to show believers that if we bumble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, and seek the face of God then He will hear us. However, the context is when Solomon had finished the first Temple and the entire nation of Israel was keeping Torah properly.

In fact, the Temple completion took place during Sukkot, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, which is a holy day from Leviticus 23. The Israelites were at the pinnacle of faithfulness and blessings and they were warned, just as Moses warned them prior to his passing, that they would fall away. When they fell away, Yahweh would communicate this to them by having bad things happen, which needed to drive repentance.

How does “If My People” apply to us?

Repentance is only possible when we follow the Commandments, the Torah. As Paul wrote, we only know of sin if we know the Law. This message explains the scripture surrounding the phrase “If My People” and then connects it to First Century Christianity. These verses only apply to us if we are His People. The New Testament explains how those who accept Yeshua as the Messiah become adopted children of Yahweh. We, who were not a people, become His people through His Son, and then we learn repentance.

The inauguration of the Temple when these scriptures were recorded is also a foreshadowing of the return of the Messiah. The first temple was filled with Yahweh’s presence so much that the priests could not enter. This was a baptism by fire. When Yeshua returns, He is brining a temple not made with hands. He will rule from Jerusalem and all mankind will need to go there for Sukkot. If you want to be part of that, click here to learn how to seek His Face and have “If My People” apply to you!

The Recipe for Salvation

The Recipe for Salvation

When the Spirit came upon the Apostles in acts two, Peter was inspired to explain the recipe for salvation with power and authority. The video below is a group discussion about the requirement for water baptism in detail. We cover the origins of baptism, who is authorized to baptize another, when it’s appropriate to be re-baptized, and the theological/spiritual meanings of this outward sign of faith.

Tagore Kota visited this week. He is studied on Koine Greek and explained in great detail the meaning of the Greek words behind baptism. He also gives a remarkable correlation between Noah’s Ark and the blood of Messiah. Other contributors to the discussion are Everett Leisure, Tim Roberson, and Tiffany Flores.

Acts 2 is the dividing line between the Old Covenant and the New. The Spirit guided Peter’s words and allowed the message to be heard in all the languages present. Peter was inspired to preach, just as Yeshua prophesied. Most of his sermon were direct citations of the Old Testament. But the new information included the recipe for salvation: Repent of your sins, accept Yeshua as the Messiah/Son of God, and be baptized. This is the Gospel that was preached to the known world from that moment on.

Theologically and spiritually, the fulcrum point between the Old and New Covenant is the death and resurrection of Yeshua. But the 50 days after His resurrection go on the left side of the dividing line because He was teaching them without parables and explaining everything, starting with Moses. The Ruach, aka the Holy Spirit, was yet to come, as well. Once the Ruach came, the New Covenant kicked off and the word went forth from Zion.

The Bottom Line

The final, and perhaps most important topic covered, is what exactly the Jews who didn’t accept Yeshua rejected. The recipe for salvation is defined above but is a starting point. After one is baptized, one must learn the Torah. This is because the remnant, those who are Messiah’s at His return, are those who believe in Him and who keep the Torah. The Jews believe in Yahweh and keep the Torah. Mainstream Christianity believe in Yeshua (they call Him Jesus), but they do not keep the commandments. Please enjoy the discussion!

Be Holy as I am Holy

Be Holy for I am Holy

Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Messiah Yeshua. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.” (1Pe 1:13-16)

Peter was not creating a new type of holiness when he wrote these verses. He was drawing from the Old Testament. The phrase “because it is written” is our hint to look for this concept in the Torah. Since this concept is from ancient times, the video below will show how to achieve holiness from the relevant passages. Since many Christians don’t believe that holiness or righteousness can be achieved at all, this message is a way to counter that misconception. Believeing that one cannot be holy leads to a doctrinal error that can be psychologically damaging. In short, Peter would not have told us to be holy if it were not possible. Each of us has worth and is to strive for the goal of Messiah. We were created by Yahweh for a purpose.

The Problem Statement

Western society has lost the concept of holiness or holding things sacred almost completely. Mainstream Christianity holds December 25 as its most sacred day of the calendar. In our faith, we know that Christmas is not a bilbilcal holiday at all. However, while watching football on Christmas, I realized that our nation appears to hold nothing sacred anymore. For football to be on TV during this holiday at all is a huge change from just 20 years ago. Having three games on so people could spend their day immersed in the NFL is astonishing.

The message is available in video from a couple providers below. It’s written out in pdf below that. Enjoy and please like and share this wherever you find it!


Title slide for the message titled Deception

In this message/discussion, I explain the depts of deception within our society and how we arrived in the present state. This deception includes confusion within religions, of course, which was and continues to be done by Satan. The adversary wants to deceive whoever he can to draw worship for himself or, at a minimum, draw worship away from Yahweh, the one true God, and His Son, Yeshua. However, our present state of confusion goes beyond religion.
We can trace our present state of affairs to a nation that no longer exists. The USSR purposely introduced deceit and confusion through the countries they overthrew. This was done by infiltrating schools and the media in order to introduce conflicting messages and concepts into a society. I prove they did this to use with a video of a former KGB agent who defected in the 1980s. This agent outlines how the USSR would destroy societies from within through methods of deception.
Because we have lost fundamental tools of comprehending information. I briefly outline the differences between social sciences and pure sciences. How we receive, categorize, and digest information on a basic level is crucial to returning society to normal. This pertains to religion because people are coming to the knowledge of the truth but then immediately being pulled into ludicrous directions. Folks who are easily led astray often have much zeal but entertaining flawed information, by mis-categorizing good information, or by setting unreasonable expectations of proof for doctrines. Please enjoy this message through one of the video offerings and provide some feedback! Shares and like are always appreciated!

Are Underdogs Good or Bad?

Does David and Goliath realty support an underdog story?

Is David and Goliath Really about Underdogs?

The story of David and Goliath is often used to showcase the power of underdogs. We often give deference to the powerless through a conditioning that says those with power are usually the bad guys. Is this really the case? I contend the story of David and Goliath isn’t really about the weak or powerless, though. If we pick that story apart, it’s about a larger theme that plays out in the end times.

The United States is often paralleled with Israel and sometimes these parallels are impossible to ignore. Israel has both been the underdog and the overwhelming power, so has the United States. Our nation has had a series of “come from behind” victories that no other civilization shares, which helps condition us to favor come from behind victories. After World War II, though, the USA had to stop being the underdog and become the world’s policeman.

At both ends of the bible, those with overwhelming power are actually the good guys! This message shows how underdogs are neither inherently good or bad and shows that we in the USA are conditioned to favor the weak because of our country’s history, not because of Marxism.

There is a sinister nature to favoring the underdog. The Torah tells us not to favor the poor or the rich, the weak or the powerful, in matters of judgment. We must base our judgments on individual circumstances to determine proper justice.

How to Choose a Bible

Oftentimes, the first time we learn something becomes the baseline for anything related to that skill or knowledge. Choosing the best bible available allows one to set the best foundation for a lifetime of learning. This message provides litmus tests to determine very quickly if a bible is worth your time. I also recommend the most accurate and readable translation I know of and why. The written Word is primarily how God has chosen to communicate with us and the only way for us to determine false teachings. Please watch this presentation and allow me to help you choose the best bible with which to start or continue your walk.

Tribulation Takes Time

This is an in-depth study on the rise and fall of civilizations from a biblical perspective. Key points:

  • The time it takes for societies to fall is a lot longer than we think.
  • The timeline between Adam and the flood is about 1600 years.
  • The United States is a metaphor for Israel and a wicked nation simultaneously.
  • Specifically how the New Testament shifted the focus from a singular nation back to a global effort of salvation similar to pre-flood.
  • Very specific instances of falling away in the present day and why it is so difficult to get people to repent today.

Why the Tree of Life is Our Logo

‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the Tree of life which is in the Paradise of God.’
(Rev 2:7)

Adam and Eve had one commandment in the Garden of Eden and that was to not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They were created immortal and given dominion over the earth with just this one rule, that they broke. After the fall, they were expelled from the Garden which separated them from the Tree of Life. This also separated all mankind from that tree which means we have been fallen, mortal beings ever since.

In the New Testament we learn about eternal life. God, who’s Name is Yahweh, has provided a mechanism for bridging the gap between mankind and eternal life through His Son, Yeshua. We know that the path to eternal life is to repent, accept Yeshua as the Messiah, be baptized, and then live a life of obedience. This lifestyle is outlined from Genesis to Revelation but is best illustrated through the life of Jesus the Christ, Yeshua the Messiah. He lived Torah perfectly and showed us how to keep the commandments, having died a sinless death for the sins of all who accept Him. He was resurrected by God and is now seated at His Right Hand. Yeshua is the Mediator between us and God and will return to judge the living and the dead.

The Tree of Life and the scripture verse that tells us plainly how to overcome is our logo. The recipe for attaining eternal life is comprised in one simple statement: Keep the Torah while believing in Yeshua. This represents the mission of this ministry. We strive to reach as many as possible with this simple message and help guide people into a walk that will lead us all to the Tree of Life.

The Great Tribulation

Yeshua aka Jesus was saying things the audience already knew in Matthew 24. For instance, the abomination of desolation and the great tribulation were things that had already happened once! Click here for a deeper understanding of events to come!

The Apostle Paul

Paul is an Apostle

Understanding the Apostle Paul and the doctrines that depend on his writings can take years of study. This in-depth message can shave a lot of time from your efforts and help make the entire bible more understandable. Key points in this message:

First understand the rest of the Bible from Genesis to revelation.

Select a Bible that is up to date on the most accurate manuscripts and literal while also being easy to comprehend.

Understand how first century Jews communicated, particularly how they communicated when referencing scripture and doctrine.

Come to the realization that without Paul’s writings, the bible doesn’t apply to gentile converts at all.