The Cure for Communism

Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it is a famous quote by Sir Winston Churchill. In this podcast, I illustrate that our society has indeed forgotten history and our slide to pure debauchery, socialism, and communism is a result of this. I also include how rejecting God and the bible are central to our demise and were erased from our society on purpose. Please also scroll down to watch the video of a KGB defector explain his first-hand experience with overthrowing countries.

Audio only right below here. The special video is below that.

Special video of the KGB defector

The Cure for Communism

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

This quote is attributed to a few people, but I prefer to cite Sir Winston Churchill and it will become apparent as we move forward. Today, I’m going to explain why our servants swear an oath to God in a round about way.

The imaginations of men. Do you ever wonder why our movie plots don’t make sense and nobody seems to care? The most successful movies are often just vehicles for social propaganda where the definitions of heroes are now shifting to lionize even the most vile of creatures. Do you ever wonder why all of a sudden any manner of sexual debauchery isn’t just tolerated but it’s celebrated?

The loss of critical thinking training. Logical fallacies abound. If you believe a then you must not believe b. No nuance and no time to investigate anything. You either believe something completely the moment you hear it or you reject it completely. Positions are hammered into the ground, even completely irrational concepts that have been concretely untrue for thousands of year are now not just mainstream, but are unchallengeable in just the span of a couple decades. How did this happen?

Would you believe that these concepts were introduce into our society on purpose and for a specific reason? Well, I will post a video showing why this is happening to us under this post on and you will likely be shocked.

The purpose of all this is to make a mess. A literal mess of a country where society and its institutions of government and religion fail. But also a psychological mess where people have no idea what to believe. We have had years of full blown riots in the streets of the United States and other western nations with nobody being brought to justice. Our justice system handles cases based on political affiliation, not on the merits of cases, as is proscribed in the Torah and in our founding principles. People are pitted against each other on issues where both folks are partially right and partially wrong at the same time. And these things are being done to us on purpose. Confusion is a blazing fire that keeps getting fanned. To what point? The point is to generate a sense of outrage and hopelessness that conditions society to desperately seek a solution, even it it’s an irrational solution.

The point is to bring a society to the point where it makes an irrational decision that it would never normally make. The Bolshevik revolution was the turning point in Russia where the people enacted communism. Communism is a system of government that is coined as giving power to the working class by the elimination of private property, but in reality it creates a dictatorship that is so deep that you are not even free to think what you want. The government becomes God, the giver of life and the taker of life, and the highest authority in the land. The Russians got to this point because of deep economic problems that were blamed on the aristocracy. They made an emotional decision to redistribute wealth that resulted in 80 years of complete despotism and oppression.

The same thing happened with the birth of Nazi Germany. While people like to say the Nazis were far right and the Soviets were far left, both regimes were far left totalitarian dictatorships founded on socialism/communism and the rejection of God. The famous night of broken glass was the tipping point. Jews were besmirched for years as being evil and were discriminated against until this night where Jewish homes and business were ransacked by Germans and Austrians. 267 synagogues destroyed. All while authorities looked on and did nothing. If this sounds familiar, it should, because our own society had riots all over the place where police were forbidden from protecting the peace a couple years ago.

The phrase “In God We Trust” was added to US currency in 1957. This was one small part in our fight against communism and socialism. It was put there to remind us that our nation only exists by the grace of God and that our leaders are accountable to Him. This was a direct response to the godless regime of the USSR that was undermining our way of life in the 1950s. They wanted to normalize debauchery, discredit God, and then watch our nation fall apart. In the aftermath, they would either destroy us or take us over. The godless always want to spread their godlessness, and then replace themselves as god.

Sir Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of the UK during WWII. When Hitler started taking over countries, Churchill spoke out and wanted to intervene early. He was dismissed in favor of diplomacy and negotiations. Once it became reality that Hitler was not interested in diplomacy or negotiations, Churchill came to power and the British suffered the blitz, the constant bombardment of the Nazis, until we joined the war and liberated Europe. This is the man who said those who fail to know history are doomed to repeat it.

The USSR, aka the Soviet Union, started a program of destabilization in the United States in the 1950s. This is how they took over countries – by creating havoc and then sweeping in as the solution. And the poor people inviting them in didn’t realize the absolute evil of that way of life until it was too late. Again, please watch the video below this for first-hand testimony of this practice. The west defeated the Soviet Union and communism in 1991, when the Berlin Wall fell. Our way of life defeated the socialist dictatorships because our way of life is superior. Unfortunately, nobody could stop what they had started with destabilizing our society. It has run on autopilot ever since and is one very large reason why people question even the most concrete of facts like the shape of the earth and that there are only two genders. It’s hard to realize that a villain did this to us when that villain was invisible to begin with and literally no longer exists today. But that villain did indeed do this to us and it is one reason why society is spiraling out of control.

So what is the solution? First we have to understand history and learn the basics of what has happened before. We also have to understand that black is black, white is white, and there are absolute truths. The way to stop communism and socialism is something that seems like a non-sequitur to us today. It’s to read your bibles. Understand that the highest authority in the universe is the Creator of the Universe. Understand there is a Creator and He has told us how He wants us to live through His Word, the 66 book bible that our leaders are supposed to swear their oaths to serve on. Our nation was founded by men who had deep respect for the Bible and created a nation where we would be free to worship as we see fit. Our founders had restraint with power, some refusing to serve, with Washington refusing to become king. They knew their actions would be judge by a higher power because their culture was one founded on scripture. They created a government that could improve and change over time, based on the will of the people through their elected representatives who swore an oath to God when they took power. Our way forward is to repent and turn back to God. The path back is a long one, but it doesn’t get shorter until each of us decides to turn around and get on that path.


Let’s take a look at equality from the New Testament standpoint and explore some of the information that is new to the New Covenant!

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Society has struggled with equal rights for millennia. Nations have risen against nations, people have been held as slaves on huge scales, and even today there is mass oppression in many parts of the world. Let’s take a quick walk through the Bible and see what it has to say about equality.

Slide 2 And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read. And the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. And He opened the book and found the place where it was written, “THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS UPON ME, BECAUSE HE ANOINTED ME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO THE POOR. HE HAS SENT ME TO PROCLAIM RELEASE TO THE CAPTIVES, AND RECOVERY OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET FREE THOSE WHO ARE OPPRESSED, TO PROCLAIM THE FAVORABLE YEAR OF THE LORD.” And He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him. And He began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” And all were speaking well of Him, and wondering at the gracious words which were falling from His lips; and they were saying, “Is this not Joseph’s son?” And He said to them, “No doubt you will quote this proverb to Me, ‘Physician, heal yourself! Whatever we heard was done at Capernaum, do here in your hometown as well.'” And He said, “Truly I say to you, no prophet is welcome in his hometown. “But I say to you in truth, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the sky was shut up for three years and six months, when a great famine came over all the land; and yet Elijah was sent to none of them, but only to Zarephath, in the land of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow. “And there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, but only Naaman the Syrian.” And all the people in the synagogue were filled with rage as they heard these things; and they got up and drove Him out of the city, and led Him to the brow of the hill on which their city had been built, in order to throw Him down the cliff. (Luk 4:16-29)

This is the beginning of Yeshua’s ministry. There’s a theme He had running, kind of as an undercurrent, throughout His earthly ministry, that most of Christianity misses. This is a theme of equality. First Century Judea had a lot of problems with respect to equality. It was a world that those of us who have been born and raised in the west have no ability to comprehend. The Jews wanted to be left alone and were not interested much at all in others joining them, for lack of a better word. Granted, there were proselytes, but they were never accepted to the level of a native born Israelite. Their exclusivity was a problem because Judea was occupied by the Romans who had a pretty brutal view of society. If you had Roman citizenship, you had rights and were by all measures more of a human being than if you did not. This comes into play when Paul becomes the apostle to the Gentiles and uses his Roman citizenship to further the kingdom of God. Within the Roman life was a caste system as well, which is something we know nothing about, either. In a nutshell, some people were definitely more equal than others withing Roman citizenship but those who were not Roman at all were of much less value than those who were and attaining that citizenship was difficult.

So what does this all have to do with Yeshua in the synagogue? The Jews had a similar “us versus them” view of society. It’s part of the word goyim, or nations. The Jews believed, rightly so, that they were the chosen people and were special to Yahweh. But they also had a wall of separation, they did not care to mix with other nations. This is completely understandable because that’s what got them smote repeatedly. When Yahweh re-established Judea through Nehemiah and Ezra, the people read the Torah aloud. When they realized they had married those from forbidden nations, they sent them away and “purified” the land. They realized they had been sent into captivity for a few reasons, one of which was blending the worship of the nations with the worship of Yahweh. This is where the synagogue system began and where they started studying Torah weekly. This did a pretty good job of keeping them on the straight and narrow, particularly after the Maccabean revolt, but it also served to create an insular society. So what we had in first century Judea was a nation that did not care to mix with other nations being occupied by a nation that liked to gobble up other nations and destroy those who didn’t want to be gobbled up. That’s a lot of friction. And then, in the synagogue, Yeshua starts His ministry by reminding his fellow Jews that Yahweh worked miracles for gentiles in the days of Elijah and Elisha, miracles that were not performed for Jews at the time. And it really made them mad. To the point of wanting to do Him harm.

It’s very important to understand that He started His ministry with this message because the New Testament does have new information. The New Testament shows a shift in the way Yahweh interacts with the world with Yeshua’s sacrifice. Yeshua starts His ministry alluding to this.

Slide 3 “This Yeshua God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses. Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear. For it was not David who ascended into heaven, but he himself says: ‘THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD, “SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND, UNTIL I MAKE YOUR ENEMIES A FOOTSTOOL FOR YOUR FEET.”‘ “Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Messiah—this Yeshua whom you crucified.” Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do?” Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Yeshua the Messiah for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.” (Act 2:32-39)

Do you see the shift? “The promise” is for those present, their children, and those who are far off… as many as God will call to Himself. When you see the phrase “the promise” in NT scripture, it’s speaking of the promise made to Abraham to make his descendants more numerous than the stars. Peter is telling them that Yahweh is calling all people, not just Jews, here at Acts 2. It’s interesting these words come from Peter because he seemed to have a problem with this later in the New Testament, but let’s take a look at “the promise” in detail.

Slide 4 For you are all sons of God through faith in Messiah Yeshua. For all of you who were baptized into Messiah have clothed yourselves with Messiah. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Messiah Yeshua. And if you belong to Messiah, then you are Abraham’s descendants, heirs according to promise. (Gal 3:26-29)

These people still had to deal with the injustices of their day but within the congregation, they all had to come to the reality that they were equal with respect to salvation. They were still literally male and female and those who were slaves were still literally slaves, but they had to treat each other equally within the assembly.

Back in Acts 2, the Jews and proselytes who witnessed the results of the Ruach falling on the apostles were from all over the known world. They had come to Jerusalem to keep Passover and Pentecost. After they witnessed the miracles of that Pentecost, with many of those who crucified Yeshua repenting and being baptized, they took that information back to their home congregations. They sowed seeds ahead of the apostles coming with the Gospel. Here, ten or fifteen years later, Paul is re-affirming Peters words, that those who were far off were being called by God. Paul is making it clear that anyone who accepts Yeshua as the Messiah becomes a child of God, and an heir according to the promise. This, brothers and sisters, is equality. This is why we call each other brother and sister, because we are in the family of Yahweh. And we need to treat everyone we meet as if they are already family or potentially family, which is how we live in equality.

First Things First

Let’s leave the past in the past and receive those who repent as the first century believers did, as if they have been here all along.

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Let’s leave the past in the past and receive those who repent as the first century believers did, as if they have been here all along.

Jan 1 isn’t really the new year. In the Torah, the beginning of months is in the springtime, not the dead of winter. But we do live in Babylon and we will be writing the year “2023” on our checks and documents starting today. It’s unfortunate that times and law have been changed, but it is all in Yahweh’s plan to bring us to the ideal. It’s just that we are so far from the ideal today.

What shall we leave behind in 2022? What shall we focus on in 2023? These things tend to run together. Overeating or eating the wrong stuff, lack of exercise, not studying the WORD enough, all these things make the list. We will be examining ourselves in the spring so we don’t observe Pesach in an unworthy manner and we will be doing heavy repentance in the Fall for Yom Kippur, but we should always be in a state of spiritual examination and growth. We should always be putting first things first, but sometimes it’s good to remind on the very basic things.

2022 was another year of intense division here in the US. Social media divisions, political divisions, travel nightmares, economic challenges – these things put the most patient of us to the test. Discovering that most of our fears were true about social media and the government colluding to manipulate our thoughts and speech is incredibly alarming. How do we navigate all these things and not just get furious? More importantly, how do we reconcile and move forward?

Slide 2 “Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Messiah—this Yeshua whom you crucified.” Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do?” Peter said to them, “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Yeshua the Messiah for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Ruach ha Kodesh. For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself.” (Act 2:36-39)

Brothers and sisters, we have to return to the basics if we’re going to move forward. If society has any hope of returning to civility, we’re going to have to be able to forgive and forget. The past three years have been intense with division, fear, and all manner of corruption increasing. But as people repent and realize the errors of their ways, we have to accept them back and be kind. Peter’s message was to the very people who murdered Yeshua and once they realized their sin, they asked Peter what to do. Peter did not execute judgment, but received their repentant attitudes and told them to give their lives to Yeshua the Messiah through baptism. That through this they would receive forgiveness from Yahweh and Yeshua and be granted the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Ruach ha Kodesh. And this was not a one-time thing. Oh no.

Slide 3 For I am the least of the apostles, and not fit to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain; but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me. Whether then it was I or they, so we preach and so you believed. (1Co 15:9-11)

In Acts 7, Paul was the one who held the coats of those who stoned Stephen. He went on to persecute all the first century believers, hunting them down. He locked them up from house to house. In Acts 9 it even mentions murder with Paul’s ravaging of the church of God. But Ananias was giving a message by the risen Yeshua to accept Paul so Paul could become the evangelist to the nations.

This message of repentance and subsequent reconciliation is central to the faith once delivered. We can also see that Yahweh uses chaotic situations in order to bring His chosen ones through the fire. Things keep getting worse and worse in our society but people are starting to realize their mistakes. We need to receive them as if we were receiving Paul when they turn to Yahweh and His Son. This form of reconciliation has been foundational to American life up until recently. We ultimately ended up the greatest of allies with Great Britain after the revolution. The southern states regained their statehood and rights after the civil war. We are now also the greatest of allies after severe war with Japan. The list goes on and on. That was only possible because we were a Christian nation. After other nations defeat their enemies, they destroy them utterly so that their memory isn’t even recorded. But that’s not how followers of Yeshua conduct ourselves in a grand or a small scale. We are to receive people who have repented as if they had been here all along, with the same mercy and love that Yahweh and Yeshua have shown us.

For 2023, brothers and sisters, let’s pray for more people to realize the ways of the world are not going to be profitable. As more and more repent, let’s put first things first and follow the example of the first century believers. For it is Yahweh’s desire that all come to repentance, is it not?

Why There Are No Wintertime Pilgrimage Festivals

Yahweh has made it clear through this year’s weather and travel woes that we are not supposed to have religious gatherings in wintertime. 

Evangelical Atheism

Spreading the bad news.

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Worship Matters

When and how you worship identifies which God you serve.

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When and how you worship identifies which God you serve.

When we think of the first three commandments we almost always think about false gods being idols. But what if worshiping false gods didn’t just involve what your worship but when? Unfortunately, most of Christianity worships a false god and breaks the first three commandments without even knowing it. But please bear with me because if you really want to be a part of the family of the true God Yahweh, when you worship is the actual sign. It’s about behavior as well as idols.

I spend a lot of time pitching the positive side of keeping Torah. You know, the benefits of following the entire bible and how the whole faith, from Genesis to Revelation, makes sense. This is in the vein of the Shema, which Yeshua said is the greatest commandment -to love YHVH your Elohim, the LORD your God, with all your heart, you soul, and your might. If you love YHVH, you will do what He says. And when you do what He says, the bible and our ultimate destiny become much easier to understand. But there’s a flip side to this walk:

Slide 2 Honor all people, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. (1Pe 2:17)

Slide 2 The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil. (Ecc 12:13-14)

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. The list goes on and on. And it’s hard to bring this side of the faith up because we are all sinners. But we must be moving in a positive direction, towards Yahweh, and sometimes the consequences of our actions need to be addressed to bring about the necessary change. Yeshua said the greatest commandment is to love Yahweh with all your heart and second is to love your neighbor as yourself. Loving Yahweh with all our hearts is displayed by simply doing what he said to do and not doing what He said not to do. Obedience and emulation are the best forms of worship. The second greatest commandment is to love our neighbors as ourselves. If you saw your neighbor doing something that could hurt them, you are obliged to warn them if you love them.

So why is it so important for us to worship on the right day of the week?

Slide 3 YHVH spoke to Moses, saying, “But as for you, speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘You shall surely observe My sabbaths; for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, that you may know that I am YHVH who sanctifies you. ‘Therefore you are to observe the sabbath, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people. ‘For six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there is a sabbath of complete rest, holy to YHVH; whoever does any work on the sabbath day shall surely be put to death. ‘So the sons of Israel shall observe the sabbath, to celebrate the sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant.’ It is a sign between Me and the sons of Israel forever; for in six days YHVH made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day He ceased from labor, and was refreshed.” When He had finished speaking with him upon Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God. (Exo 31:12-18)

One of the biggest signs of God’s people, if not the biggest, is when and how we worship. One objection to this is that we’re not the sons of Israel so it doesn’t apply. Au contraire, my friends. Those who accept Yeshua as the Messiah and are baptized become adopted children of Abraham and heirs according to the promise. The NC was made with Israel and Judah. The path to salvation is inextricably tied to being part of the family of God. If you worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He has told us how to do this. And the 7th day Sabbath is a chief way of doing this.

Also in the passage above it says “sabbaths” in the plural. Leviticus 23 defines all of Yahweh’s sabbaths. The weekly being at the top and then we have annual observances, most of which are also sabbaths. I’ve spoken in detail in the past how these observances identify Yahweh’s people. The few times that Israel did what they were supposed to do by following Torah, one could imagine watching the nation from a helicopter view. Every Friday and sunset all motion would stop. All the kids would be in their houses, the streets empty and everything peaceful. On Saturday, you’d see people congregating to have their fellowships on Shabbat. In the days of synagogues, you would see people literally going to church on Shabbat. Then they’d go home and at sunset, you’d see some activity, but for the rest of the week you’d see normal hustle and bustle. Commerce, ranching, farming, and the like. Then on the annual sabbaths, you’d see the entire nation just come to a stop just like on the weekly sabbath. How is this a sign? Because it’s a culture. All the surrounding nations would know how to identify the Israelites by what days they observed. This is the true faith, not one of crosses or statues, but one of routine observances. Our behavior defines which God we serve.

Having a sign and a means to identify oneself as a believer is important. The flip side of having a sign is that it gives the adversary an avenue for attack.

Slide 4 ‘As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings. ‘He will speak out against the Most High and wear down the saints of the Highest One, and he will intend to make alterations in times and in law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time. (Dan 7:24-25)

Satan wants to be worshiped. That also means he doesn’t want us worshiping Yahweh. In fact, Satan wants to actually be the ruler of the universe. So his playbook is to change the Torah, hence the change in times and law. The Torah establishes time in the book of Genesis. An evening and a morning is a day. The seventh day of creation, which is the seventh day each week, is the Sabbath. It’s the day Yahweh rested from His works and then we follow His example by doing the same. Remember, the fourth commandment even references the creation.

The cold reality of the situation is that the switch from Sabbath to Sunday isn’t just some switch in when to meet up for church, it’s a switch in gods. Friday sunset to Saturday sunset is the mark of Yahweh. So what god is served by keeping Sunday? You’ve go it, a sun god.

Pagan religions from antiquity worship the sun, s-u-n, the helium plasma ball at the center of our solar system. People, either ignorant of Yahweh or being influenced by Satan, realized that life and light go hand in hand. The sun brings warmth and plants grow when we have sunlight and warmth. When the sun went away, which we now know it stays still and earth’s tilted orbit makes it seem like it is moving when it’s us, it got cold and things died. When it “came back”, it got warm and things came back to life. So people decided that sun, s-u-n, was a god, the giver of life. Then they added in the planets and all sorts of other things to worship, which is idolatry. Over time, these other things got days and observances because it’s hard wired into mankind to want to have religious observances. Deis solis is the day of the sun and is Sunday on our calendars. The false gods had observance times because they are copies of the true God’s worship system.

When Christianity went forth from Zion, it started in the synagogues with Jews who accepted Yeshua as the Messiah. This continued for a long time. When gentiles began to convert, they joined with the Jews at synagogue. They gave up their pagan practices and adopted the worship of the True God, Yahweh, through His Son, Yeshua. This is why the council of Jerusalem, recorded in Acts 15, includes “for Moses is read in the synagogues every Sabbath”. The converts had already stopped worshiping on the false days, were attending synagogue on Shabbat, and were expected to keep doing that to hear Moses, i.e., the Torah, every week and learn the ways of Yahweh. So understand, that first century faith was one of people accepting Yeshua as Messiah, Jesus as the Christ, and then breaking with their pagan ways. They stopped worshiping false gods and switched to the true and did it by changing when and how they worshiped.

Unfortunately, Christianity grew apart from the synagogue and keeping the Torah as it moved west. Over time it became acceptable to blend the pagan practices into Christianity. This culminated in councils of bishops who had come to loathe Jews and the faith of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christianity grew into somewhat of a new religion, being an amalgamation of NT scripture, some OT scripture, legends, myths, and the observances of pagan religions. Sunday, Christmas, and Easter are all pagan celebrations that were brought into Christianity and ultimately subverted it. We have evidence of this in the councils of Nicea and Laodicea, where at the council of Laodicea they were forbidding keeping the Sabbath and mandating people read the Gospels on that same day. This is because, in AD 364, Christians were still reading Torah on Shabbat as the disciples expected them to do in Acts 15. Council of Laodicea – 364 AD – The Sabbath Sentinel

It’s remarkable to not that the same sin which got Israel smote repeatedly, mixing in false god worship with the true (syncretism), has become the foundation for Christianity. Most of the world’s Christians think that Sunday is the Sabbath and that we’re supposed to observe Christmas and Easter. All three of these things actually give homage to false gods and we really need to not do them. If you want the brutal truth about Christmas, please check out my post Are You Worshiping False Gods? – First Century Christianity where you can hear perhaps the most famous minister of our time admit live on TV that Christmas and all its observances are 100% pagan.

Brothers and sisters, if you’re hearing this info for the first time, it’s time to make a change. The change is hard. Yeshua said plainly that He didn’t come to bring peace but a sword. It was not a literal sword, but a sharp division between doing what is right and following Him and His Father versus going the other way. When I learned this information, I spent a ton of time trying to disprove it. But I had to come to the reality that Friday sunset to Saturday set is the Sabbath, the real 4th commandment. And keeping any other day like that is honoring a false god while cheating on the True God. How and when we worship matters.

Channukah and Matthew 24

Informing our view of scripture and prophecy through the Feast of Dedication.

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Today’s message is about how important Hanukkah is to the faith once delivered to the saints even though the majority of beliers don’t understand this remembrance at all.

The word chanukkah is spelled a few different ways in English because the first letter is not an English letter. This word is pronounced like you are clearing your throat. Regardless of how it is pronounced or represented in English, the word is very important. It means dedication and, in context, the dedication of the temple. This is the word used in Torah when talking about dedicating and consecrating the Levitical service. This festival is not part of Yahweh’s appointed times outlined in Leviticus 23, but it was definitely part of Jewish life in the first century. Yeshua was at the temple for the Feast of Dedication recorded at John 10:22 and they asked Him if He was the Christ, meaning Messiah, specifically at that time. For those of us who have studied Chanukkah, this banter has quite a lot more meaning and none of it has to do with miraculous oil.

If you want to know the official story on Chanukkah, please read the 1st book of Maccabees. It’s available at the link that follows or in any version of the LXX Brenton Septuagint Translation Maccabees I 1 (

The books of Maccabees aren’t considered scripture, which is why they are not included in our 66 book bibles. They used to be in family bibles in a special section called “the Apocrypha” which means “these books are important to the faith but are not considered to be inspired”. They and a couple other books that aren’t in our bibles are in the LXX because they were considered important enough to be preserved by the Rabbis who made that first translation of the Hebrew bible into Greek about 120 years before Yeshua. 1 and 2 Maccabees are very true recordings of history and they chronicle why there came to be a Feast of Dedication.

The absurdly abridged true version of Chanukkah is that it’s the observance of the temple being cleansed and re-dedicated after the Greeks defiled it under Antiochus Epiphanes. When the Greeks took over Judea, many Jews joined Greece even to the point of un-circumcising themselves. The Greeks burned the Torah scrolls and did horrible things to children who were circumcised and their mothers. The Greeks wanted to erase the faith of Abraham from the face of the earth and bring their blended pagan worship to Judea. A small band of true believers fought back against this and prevailed over much time. Their leader was called Judas Maccabeus, meaning Judah the Hammer, because he was successful in defeating the impossible-to-defeat Greeks. The Greeks defiled the Temple with the abomination of desolation and did other horrific things. The Maccabee family pushed Greece out of Judea which allowed for the Temple and Levitical service to be restored and all the paganism to be eradicated from the Holy Land. Once the Temple was restored, the menorah was lit to show the people everything was back the way it was supposed to be and they celebrated by having an 8 day festival in winter like Sukkot. There is no record of a miracle of oil in the books of the Maccabees, the Festival is 8 days long because it mirrored Sukkot.

Now that you have an absurdly abridged version of Chanukkah, let me explain what they were really asking Yeshua in John 10. They were asking Him if He was a messiah like Judas Maccabeus. They were asking if He was going to lead a rebellion against Rome and restore Judea like the Maccabees did prior. And He didn’t really answer their question.

Now we come to the Matthew 24 connection. Matthew 24 is where most of Christianity looks to read about Yeshua speaking of His return, which is often equated erroneously with the end of days. The end of days is 1000 years after His return, but that’s a story for another today. Today, let’s address Matthew 24 where the banter starts with Yeshua’s disciples marveling at the Temple.

Slide 2 Yeshua left the temple area and was going on His way when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. But He responded and said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.” (Mat 24:1-2)

In an earlier message I spoke about how the destruction of the temple, but really the destruction of all Judea, in AD70 proves Yeshua to be the Messiah. These verses are that reference. In reality, Yeshua’s response at Matthew 24:2 should be in all caps, signifying it’s a call back to an Old Testament prophecy.

Slide 3 “Then after the sixty-two weeks, the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined. And he will confirm a covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come the one who makes desolate, until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, gushes forth on the one who makes desolate.” (Dan 9:26-27 NASB)

This is how the NASB reads for this prophecy. The NASB is based on the Masoretic text, the Hebrew Bible that from about 1000 AD. It is a good thing for us to use a Tanakh, or Old Testament, based on Hebrew, because it preserves (or restores) how these words should be represented. And you can see in the English here that the temple is going to come down and that’s associated with “abominations”. Now let’s take a look at how the LXX represents this. The LXX is a Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures from about 120 years before Yeshua. I referenced it earlier when I recommended everybody read 1 and 2 Maccabees. This translation was made before Yeshua and since the New Testament was written in Greek, and based off of the LXX, oftentimes our NT references match the LXX better. Check this out.

Slide 4 And after the sixty-two weeks, the anointed one shall be destroyed, and there is no judgment in him: and he shall destroy the city and the sanctuary with the prince that is coming: they shall be cut off with a flood, and to the end of the war which is rapidly completed he shall appoint the city to desolations. And one week shall establish the covenant with many: and in the midst of the week my sacrifice and drink-offering shall be taken away: and on the temple shall be the abomination of desolations; and at the end of time an end shall be put to the desolation. (Dan 9:26-27 Brenton LXX)

Doesn’t this sound a whole lot more like Matthew 24 than the Hebrew translation? I think so. The reason I wanted to show this to you is because of the phrase “abomination of desolations” and that the Temple and all Judea were going to be destroyed. You can see very clearly that this abomination had already happened once and is going to happen again. And the reason Matthew 24:2 should be in all caps, showing it’s a reference to the Tanakh (the OT), is because Daniel prophesied the destruction of the second temple and all Judea being associated with the Messiah.

Slide 5 And as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” And Yeshua answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and they will mislead many people.” (Mat 24:3-5)

There’s a separation in my bible between verse 2 and 3 that was put there by the NASB translators. It’s not supposed to be there. What did the false messiahs say in the first century? They said the Rome was going to be purged and the temple restored at that time. This was what the people wanted and why they asked Yeshua if He was the Messiah at the Feast of Dedication – they believed erroneously the next Messiah would RESTORE Judea even though the Bible said that the DESTRUCTION of Judea was associated with the coming of the Messiah.

Slide 6 “Therefore when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place—let the reader understand— then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get things out of his house. And whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak. But woe to those women who are pregnant, and to those who are nursing babies in those days! Moreover, pray that when you flee, it will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath.” (Mat 24:15-20)

He goes on further in Matthew 24 to talk about wars and rumors of wars and then He gets to this. Almost all of Christianity doesn’t know that the abomination of desolation has already happened. Twice. I implore you all to read 1 Maccabees and then you will understand that He was quoting it here. He was telling them to reference Daniel 9 and 1 Maccabees to understand the future prophetic proof of Him being the Messiah was that the temple was going to be defiled again as it had been before, but that next time, which was in AD 70, was going to lead to a complete destruction of Judea. 1 Maccabees talks in great detail about not going back and a slaughter the revolutionaries endured on the Sabbath after they rebelled against the Greeks. He was telling them that not only was He not there to restore Judea but that the next step in the plan of Salvation after His death and resurrection was going to be the destruction of the Temple. Those who came to understand this knew to leave Jerusalem when Hadrian’s army approached in AD70 and flee to the mountains. Those who didn’t, well, it didn’t go well for them. See The Temple and the Messiah – First Century Christianity for details.

So what do we do with Chanukkah, the Feast of Dedication? Brothers and sisters, we need to understand it and let it inform our view of the first century faith. We also need to understand it to inform our view of future events. The Feast of Dedication happened as a remembrance of the Jews getting rid of paganism and restoring Judea to proper worship and governance. This is a foreshadowing of the entire world getting the same treatment. We look forward to Judea being cleansed of its sins and the true, never defiled temple coming down from heaven when the Messiah returns. We look forward to a time when we will live in a world with a proper religion and governance, with Yeshua as our King and Yahweh as our God. My family lights a 7 candle menorah during Chanukkah to remember the rededication of the temple and looking forward to the eradication of all the sin and paganism we are surrounded by. This is just a tradition we have and not a commandment since Chanukkah is not a commanded festival in the Torah. But Yeshua did observe it and John recorded it, so we should do something for it. And the most important thing we can do for it is to read about it. Shalom.

The Temple and the Messiah

Daniel 9 Proves Jesus is Messiah

For those who desire proof Jesus is the Messiah, the destruction of the second temple provides ample. The leaders in Judea at the time of Christ were looking for someone to free them from the Roman occupation. They were looking for a messiah like Judas Maccabeus, who led the successful revolt against the Greeks. The Maccabees were successful in repelling the pagans and restoring Judea. The leaders in the time of Yeshua, aka Jesus, were looking for the same thing. This is why the disciples were constantly ready to fight for Him, because they could not comprehend a different outcome.

The prophecy of the ultimate Messiah, Jesus aka Yeshua, given by Daniel, included the phrase “desolations are determined”. This mean that the true Messiah was quoting Daniel when He foretold the destruction of the temple at Matthew 24 and other places. In fact, this phrase is why they ultimately killed Him, defying even the prophecy they sought to be fulfilled.

Fully understanding the fall of the Temple and the events that led to it helps us to understand our faith better. This message identifies the four key factions in the first century working to remove Rome and their idiosyncracies. This knowledge helps us to build confidence in who Jesus aka Yeshua really was. This detailed message about the fall of the second Temple ties in relevant scriptures to Daniel 9 and provides proof Jesus is the Messiah. I recommend watching this one because the notes below are pretty rough.

Thanksgiving and Torah

Giving thanks to Yahweh is a very biblical concept. Let’s enjoy this day of unity!

Video with slides below via Rumble.

Audio only via Spotify.

Slide 2 Give thanks to YHVH for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the God of gods, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the Lord of lords, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. (Psa 136:1-3)

Give thanks to YHVH, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to the Elohim he elohim, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. Give thanks to Adonai ha adonim, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. (Psa 136:1-3)

Hodu YHVH kit tov, ki l’olam chasdo. Give thanks to YHVH for He is good, his love is everlasting.

The thanksgiving holiday is uniquely North American. It is a remembrance of God preserving early European settlers on this continent after a terrible winter. They survived terrible primitive conditions, cold, disease, lack of food, and the like until the following year or years, with the help of Massasoit’s native American tribe, they were able to raise enough crops to preserve themselves and begin to grow. The held a feast in autumn to give thanks to the Creator of the universe for allowing them to live and then thrive. They feasted on turkey and deer for several days. Indeed, clean foods for a festival to honor God.

Slide 3 “When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless YHVH your Elohim for the good land which He has given you.” (Deu 8:10)

Having a national day for us to give thanks to Yahweh is a very good thing. This celebration does not pretend to be a holy day, but a day of gratitude. It’s a blessing for us because we can celebrate with our families without any religious tension at all. The Torah commands us to give thanks when we have eaten and are satisfied. Even I forget to do this because our society blesses the meal before we eat, but let’s remember to do it at the right time this year. Or before and after. Giving thanks on an annual basis is also a good thing.

My family and church family have had a pretty rough year, if we were to think of times being rough. We’ve lost many loved ones, even a couple of the brethren. We lost one of our beloved dogs, a sister in Messiah named Edna who died at a good old age, a sister in our congregation lost her husband and then she herself passed exactly a month later to the day. And my own mother died at a good old age. Through all this I give thanks to Yahweh that we were all together to suffer these losses. I give thanks that I could be there for people and that they could be there for me. I give thanks that we were able to afford the time and travel necessary to attend to all these things, and more. I give thanks that my children are healthy and growing up well and becoming good citizens along the way. I give thanks for our little fellowship that shares openly and supports each other. I give thanks for the larger brethren, the WI feast site, and all of our friends, because having a larger group of like-minded brethren out there is very comforting.

Slide 4 Click

I hope you all find blessings in this American tradition and find many things to be thankful for. One thing we all must be thankful for is that Yahweh gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. It’s a blessing in this life when Yahweh brings us through trials, but we know that’s not always going to be the case. But whatever happens in this life, we have the opportunity to enter eternal life with Yahweh and His Son.  Hodu YHVH ki tov, ki l’olam chasdo. Give thanks to Yahweh for He is good, his love is everlasting.