How to avoid bibles that lie by showing egregious errors in the KJV and laughable mistakes in sacred name bibles. This is an excerpt from our study on John 5. The KJV translators purposely manipulated the text at John 5 to introduce doctrines the bible doesn’t support. They actually changed the words of Jesus, aka Yeshua, to things He did not say. They did this to make people believe doctrines of men. Today, people making Sacred Name bibles and Hebrew Roots bibles are doing this same thing. This video shows those lies and how to quickly evaluate a bible for accuracy at two specific places so you can avoid reading bibles that lie.

Thanks, Chris, interesting indeed. The HalleluYah Scriptures is actually a word-for-word copy of The Scriptures © 2009. There is currently a serious case of plagiarism handled by the law firm Adams & Adams.
Can you provide a link?