Learn Real Christianity from Scratch

Learn Real Christianity

Learn Real Christianity from Scratch. This is the first message in a series to help people with little to no education about Christianity or the bible get started. The series is available here https://firstcenturychristianity.net/from-scratch/. Historically, Christianity is taught by comparing the doctrines of denominations. The reality of the 21st century is that half of the population has no foundation in a church setting at all. This is a great place to be because new believers can learn real Christianity without having to sift through the last 1900 years of bad doctrine!

In this message, I explain why Christianity matters at all. This is not a hobby, an academic exercise, or a money making opportunity. Oh, no. Christianity matters because we want to attain eternal life. The only religion that offers this is real Christianity. The key to eternal life is to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified. This is what the Apostle Paul focused on in his evangelistic work throughout the western world in the first century.

How to learn real Christianity

To attain eternal life, we must know Jesus Christ. Jesus, whom I call by His Hebrew Name Yeshua, is not just a man who showed up in the first century with a bunch of new teachings. He is the ultimate Messiah and Son of God. He was explained and prophesied about throughout the Old Testament, and this is where most of His teachings originate. The Old Testament was the only bible they had in the first century. It was also only available to the general population in synagogues.

This message, available above in video and below in print, explains how to begin to learn real Christianity. This is not hard if you choose the right bible and understand what you are reading. I explain some very basic information that will help you on your path to understand who Jesus is, why He came, and how to attain eternal life.

Binary Decisions

Binary Decisions

Binary Decisions: The two biggest binary decisions in the history of mankind hinge on a little-known holy day in the Bible. These decisions are also tied to refusing the mark of the beast.

Our society struggles with binary decisions to this day. When King Solomon wrote there was nothing new under the sun, this is part of what he was speaking about. Since the Garden of Eden, mankind has wanted to have a magical third option where we get to have our cake and eat it, too. This is just not the case, particularly with matters of salvation.

The First Day of Unleavened Bread is the day after the Passover. This holy day is established in Exodus 13 as a remembrance of what Yahweh did for His people when he led them out of Egypt. Observing this day is a sign on one’s hand and one’s forehead. That’s a direct correlation to the mark of the beast. This means if you want to avoid the mark of the beast, obey the commandment. This also associates the mark of the beast with lawlessness. In both cases, the mark represents faith and behavior. Those who believe in Yahweh will obey His commands in deed and in faith. Those who don’t will do the deeds of the beast.

The First Day of Unleavened Bread is also the first day that Yeshua, aka Jesus, was in the tomb. These two events are tied together in God’s plan of salvation, which I explain in the video. The Exodus is a huge illustration that we only have two choices: follow Yahweh into the unknown or remain separated from Him. Continuing to remain faithful to Yeshua even when the future is unknown is key to salvation.

Please enjoy this message which showcases how eternal life really does boil down to a binary decision.

Preparing for Passover 2024

Preparing for Passover 2024

Basic instructions on how to commemorate the Messiah’s death and observe the spring 2024 annual Holy Days in a New Covenant context.

Christian Rituals

Christian Rituals

Christian Rituals: We must examine ourselves before taking the bread and wine. Take a step back and examine what just happened with Easter Sunday. Look at the rituals and match them against what the Bible really says to do. Did your Easter services mention anything about examining yourselves? Did you take the bread and wine?

A Series of Crossroads

A series of crossroads

Explaining the basic series of crossroads we encounter in the faith on the road to the real truth of first century Christianity.

Historical Proof of the Messiah

Historical Proof of the Messiah

Historical Proof of the Messiah: The principal historical source outside the bible showing the Jesus the Christ, aka Yeshua the Messiah, existed and was resurrected.

Yahweh has a Plan!

Yahweh has a Plan!

Yahweh has a plan of perfecting the universe. We’re a part of that plan but we need to remember to live in our own time. This video is an excerpt of the longer message given on March 9, 2024 which is located here https://firstcenturychristianity.net/putting-in-the-work/

Putting in the Work!

Putting in the Work!

A message about putting in the work to learn Christianity for real and the differences between coming to the faith today versus 20 years ago.

The Law and the New Testament

The Law and the New Testament

The Law and the New Testament

The New Testament depends on the Law. We need it for our identity and, in addition to the Messiah, for our salvation. The video above and its companion pdf below show in absolute terms that the Torah is a requirement for salvation when Yeshua, aka Jesus, returns.

These verses show that there will be Christians, believers in Yeshua, who will be rejected when He returns for lawlessness. This lawlessness is exactly what it sounds like: The rejection of the Torah. This verse should put terror in all who have been taught that the Law was ended at the cross. That’s clearly not true. Those who teach this will be the ones rejected. This will be an absolute shock as they think He is coming back to receive them, but their rejection of the Torah makes them actual enemies.

Paul and Stephen

The accusation that the first century Christians taught against Moses starts very early in the faith. Stephen was accused of this in Acts 6. In Acts 7, he gives a speech that proves he did not reject the Torah or his heritage at all. It ends with him convicting the council of breaking Torah and they murder him, breaking it again.

Paul was also accused of breaking Torah. Not only does he refute this in word, but he did it in deed. In Acts 24, Paul tells that he brought the alms from the congregations to the temple. He had been purified and was following Torah by bringing the offerings into the storehouse. Paul makes it clear in his testimony that he believed all of the Torah and the prophets, thus rebuking the lawless claim.

The New Testament depends on the Law. We would not understand the Messiah at all without the Torah and the prophets. The apostles continue in Torah their whole lives. And those who claim to be Christians at the return of Yeshua who don’t follow the Law will be in for a horrible surprise.